


Brother and sister talk


I picked up the keys from Grandpa and a list of instructions of what not to do when we went to the cabin. It seems Grampa Nate wanted the cabin intact while we stayed there. Lucky for them, I wasn’t taking my brothers with me.

I packed a bag of clothes and a toiletry bag as Parker walked into my room to check out what I’m doing.

/"Are you running away from home?/" Park asked, looking at my bag.

/"No, I’m taking Josie to the cabin,/" I answered.

/"Don’t forget your raincoats or Pops will hurt you,/" Parker remarked.

I looked at Parker with annoyance. He shrugged.

/"Where’s the rest of the circus?/" I asked, referring to our brothers.

/"Pax is mooning over Shaun. Pat is moaning about Britt. Presley is off chasing skirt,/" Park answered.

/"Pax needs to give Shaun time. Pat will figure it out with Britt. Presley will end up grounded for eternity,/" I advised.