


Coming home


The hospital released Dad. We helped Ma pack up while she contacted a moving company. I called Mags and the kids to let them know. My brothers did the same with their wives and kids. Everyone felt relief, but we had a lot of work to do.

Ma and Dad had an estate sale and took what they wanted. Did anyone ever tell Ma she’s a packrat? She kept so much stuff from when she and Dad dated throughout us, our kids, and grandkids.

/"Hey, Nash, look,/" Nixon said as he held up a tattered blanket.

I chuckled. /"Noah dragged this thing around everywhere,/" I mentioned.

Noah walked by and snatched the blanket out of my hands. /"Hands off, Blankie,/" he said as we laughed.

/"Hey, look, it’s Nash’s dolly,/" Nathan said while laughing and holding up a doll. I rolled my eyes.

/"Didn’t you use that to practice for girls?/" Nolan asked me.