


A date on Halloween


I didn’t know what Payton planned for our date, but I felt excited. He told me to dress warmly. So, I did. I wore jeans, a top, sneakers, and a hoodie. I heard a knock at the door and answered it to find Payton standing there in jeans and a hoodie, holding flowers.

Payton handed me the flowers. I thanked him before setting them on top of the dresser. He held out his hand. I took it as he led me out of the room and out of the building.

We walked to Payton’s car, got in, and he drove to a diner. He pulled up as we got out of the car and went inside, walking to a booth. Once we sat down, a server came to take our order, and we talked.

/"I figure we can eat first, then have some fun,/" Payton mentioned.

/"Food’s always good,/" I said as I grinned, and he chuckled.

The server returned with our food, and we dug in. I was hungry as I ate my burger.