




So, the current situation stuck me in a house with a guy I enjoy dating someone else, and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it. The only thing I can do is avoid him every chance I get.

Payton took a break from his never-ending cycle of bullshit, which we referred to as his love life. Matthew and Markus stuck around to watch the show. My twin is off flirting with some girl. Okay, he was trying to make time with Britt, but you get the point.

Shaun tried to talk to me, and I avoided him. My brothers and cousins finally persuaded me to speak to him. Man, did it take a lot of convincing on their part? Yeah, I’m stubborn. I’ll admit it.

I talked to Shaun. I knocked on his door and turned the handle, only to get a surprise of my own.

/"Pax,/" Shaun said, breaking from his kiss with that guy.

/"I’m leaving. You’re busy,/" I said as I left.