


Happy 18 Birthday, Patty!


My family awoke me. /"Happy Birthday!/"

They realize I have school, right?

I groaned and threw a shoe at them.

/"Yep, you’re not a morning person,/" Danny said because of my lack of cheery disposition in the morning.

I glanced at the clock, which read five a.m. Is my family insane? I rolled back over until my alarm blared.

I closed my eyes as my alarm beeped. It sucks to go to school on your birthday. Why can’t my birthday happen when I don't have school? Thanks, Mom and Dad, for having me in November.

I got up and got dressed, eating breakfast before school. Let’s hope today doesn’t suck.


Today didn’t suck like I thought it would. Liz walked home with me to celebrate my birthday, and mom invited a few people over for pizza and cake.