


A simple date with help from the brothers


Paxton agreed to a date, but I had to figure out what to do for one. I didn’t have money to take him somewhere and didn’t want to screw this up after everything happened between us. I paced back and forth, trying to figure out what I could do as a date.

/"Is there a reason you feel bound and determined to put a hole in the floor?/" Parker asked me.

/"I’m trying to figure out what to do for a date since I have no money,/" I answered.

/"Wait. You asked my brother out, knowing you had no money? Are you special?/" He asked me as I gave him an unamused look.

/"I wasn’t thinking that far ahead. I didn’t even think Pax would say yes,/" I mentioned, realizing this was going to blow up in my face. I sat down on my bed and played with my hands. I did this when I was nervous. I had to figure out how to tell Paxton that I couldn’t take him out and deal with his wrath.