


Learning something new every day


Every day I’m learning something new about people. Every day, I wonder how I find myself in situations I don’t want to be in them. It all started with a text message from a number I didn’t recognize. They asked if we could meet and to come alone. It’s always a bad idea.

When I told them like hell that I would come alone, their response would be worth it. Isn’t anything ever worth showing up alone to meet a stranger? My answer would be a big fat no.

Against my better judgment, I met them. I swear if the person tries anything, I will beat the living shit out of them. There are some crazy motherfrickers out there if you haven’t noticed. If anyone tells you saw too many movies or too much tv, tell them to get bent.

I pulled up to a diner and got out. At least this was a good sign. Walking into the diner, I walked towards the back of it to find Shaun sitting alone in a booth.