


Oh sh*t, here we go again


I awoke with excruciating pain as I felt my uterus ripped into two. Ugh, freaking cramps. I dragged my butt out of bed and went to get a pad along with ibuprofen. As soon as I took them, I went back to bed.

A few minutes later, I felt something land on me in the form of Parker.

/"Get off of me, you tool!/" I yelled as I pushed him off, causing him to land on the floor with a thud.

/"Good morning to you, too,/" he grumbled as he laid on the floor. My door opened, and I turned as I glared at them.

/"She looks like the Exorcist, and Park is on the floor. Someone got their monthly,/" Payton mentioned to the brothers. I glared even more at them.

/"Damn, she looks scary as hell, like Ma,/" Patton mentioned. I reached over and picked up a figurine from the nightstand and chucked it at them. It missed them and hit the wall next to them.