


What was that?


I ran upstairs and ran into the bathroom. In my haste, I forgot to grab some clothes. I showered and got out, grabbing a towel from the towel rack before drying myself off. Once I finished, I looked around and realized I forgot my clothes, great.

I had to sneak from the bathroom to my room with no one catching me. Wrapping the surrounding towel, I started humming the Mission Impossible theme song. Don’t judge; it’s a catchy tune. Plus, I had a mission to make it from the bathroom to my bedroom, with no one seeing me in a towel.

I opened the door, trying to be as quiet as possible, when I noticed someone standing there, covered in food. I lifted my head, coming face to face with Parker. Well, shit.

/"Oh, hey, Parker,/" I greeted him.

/"Hey, Parker?/" He questioned., giving me a look.