


Hello, bus; it’s nice to see you again


Well, I confirmed my suspicions. Thanks to Kain and his big fat mouth, my family and the Harper’s aren’t talking to me. It upset my parents and my uncles. Were you ever a pariah? That’s how I was with everyone.

I tried to talk to them, but in their words, /"Nice to know our sister prefers to dupe us and use our feelings against us./"

My parents told me to get my shit together. Uncle Nolan told me that I had disappointed him. Well, Christmas should be fun when we get home. If I disappeared into oblivion, they wouldn’t notice.

I called the one person I didn’t want to call Grammy.

Yeah, that didn’t go well. Grammy told me I made my bed. Now, I had to lie in it. The operative word is a lie. Thanks, Kain, you freaking tool.