


Jonas Gray


I left Liz’s place and drove to the store. Mom asked me to pick up an item and got interrupted to take books to Lucille.

I walked into the store and ended up in the feminine hygiene product aisle. Why did mom send me to buy pads? She will be grocery shopping this upcoming weekend.

I looked at the different pads and found her brand. I picked up a pack and walked to the register. I bumped into none other than Brian Holloway, dropping the package of pads on the floor. He was with a girl, and I wanted to crawl in a hole and die.

/"Patty, there you are,/" someone said.

My eyes widened as Jonas Gray walked up. He picked the package off the floor. /"Thanks for helping me to pick these out for my ma. It’s crazy to think she needed to send me to the store for them./"

I didn’t know what to say.