


Heading into the homestretch


Spring break ended. Things returned to normal. We had finals to contend with before going home. That meant our parents would arrive to bring us home.

It had been one heck of a year with everything I had been through with Daniel and school. But I came out of it stronger. With a bit of guidance from Michael and help from my family, I could move on.

Finals came, and so did our parents to collect us. I wasn’t sad it was over. It relieved me. I was ready to go forward instead of living in the past.


Our parents arrived, along with our aunts and uncles, to collect us. I was finishing up when I heard a knock at my door. I saw Dad standing there.

/"About ready?/" Dad asked.

/"Yes./" I shoved the last item into a box.

I went to pick it up, and he walked over to help me.

/"Thanks, Dad./"

/"I’m proud of you, Lyric./"

/"You are?/"