


Holly: A Christmas Chapter


Finals were over, and we headed home for the holidays. It made me happy to know I wouldn’t be alone for a holiday, thinking about Daniel. Sure, Michael and I might have our difficulties, but we work things out. Neither of us is perfect, which is fine by me.

Once we got home, our parents tackled us. They missed us. It didn’t matter because we missed them, too.

After getting settled, I heard a knock on my door. Dad was leaning against it.

/"Hey,/" I said.

/"Hey, baby girl. Are you good?/"

/"Yeah, I’m good./" I smiled as he strolled over to me.

He wrapped his arms around me, giving me an enormous hug. I didn’t hesitate to hug him back. /"It’s good to see you are smiling again./"

/"It’s good to be smiling again./"

/"Does this have something to do with a certain Harper boy?/"

/"He makes me happy./"

/"I know,/" He sighed, dropping his arms.