


Getting better


My family brought my schoolwork to the hospital, so I didn’t fail. It sucked. I should attend school, not be locked away.

I started my therapy sessions to deal with my grief about Daniel’s death and other issues. It included nightmares. They also started me on medication for anxiety and depression. They added them with the current medicines for my metabolic disorder. Jordan said it was temporary until I felt better, then he would wean me off the meds depending on my need.

They finally allowed me visitors. People took turns coming to see me, and I waited for one person. I figure everyone else came to see me. He would come, too. At least, I hope he did. He said he loved me, right? When you love someone, you show them. So, why did it feel like it wasn’t true?

The door opened, and a nurse entered. /"Are you ready for your visit, Lyric?/"