


First official first date


After what Michael told me, it shocked me. He is in love with me. Oh, my God, I thought.

I tried to avoid the subject like the plague. Sure, I like Michael. But was I in love with him? I didn’t know.

Tonight, he was taking me on a date. Our first official date, and I was nervous. I hadn’t been on one since Daniel. Trying to get ready was iffy. Everything I tried on wasn’t working, and my sisters weren’t any help.

Piper came over to see Lex and ended up helping me. Thus, we’re best friends. She gets me. I swear if Lex screws this up with her, I’ll beat his ass.

As I got ready, there was a knock at the door.

/"Lyric, lover boy is here!/" Kain said.

/"Thanks, Frack!/" I spoke.

He looked at Michael. /"Break her heart, and I’ll break your neck./"

/"That is violent. Don’t you think?/" Michael asked him.

/"I’m a Gray. What do you expect?/" He shrugged.