


A Christmas Birthday


/"What do you mean you’re in Tennessee?/" Dad asked while on the phone.

I had a wedding to perform. Why the hell do you think I’m in Tennessee? Because I enjoy being in Hicksville. No, I don’t. And on top of it, I’m with that tool, Frazier. Oh, Nixie boy, rub my feet! Rub your own damn feet, you twit!

/"Nix, if you don’t get back in time for tomorrow, Noah will kill you./"

You tell our twit of a brother I have been there for everything. If he can’t understand that the airport delayed our flight, then he’s a moron!

/"Fine, but try to schedule a wedding, oh, I don’t know, not the day before Christmas!/"

First off, I didn’t schedule this. The lucky couple did, and let me tell you, that was one hell of a wedding. Kaiden kept hitting on her sister and almost got murdered by her husband. Wait. That was hilarious. Second, how the hell was I supposed to know a freak snowstorm would hit us?