


A Sister’s fright night: A Halloween Chapter


For Halloween, we went to the school dance. What’s a better way to spend Halloween than hanging around sweaty teens in costumes?

We had to coax Larkin to go. That was after she made up with our sisters. Yeah, my sisters can hold grudges like no other. Ma said they get that from Dad.

Larkin was a hard-ass about it, and Lakin had Mia call Maverick. If it’s one thing we learned about Maverick, he could get Larkin to do something; we couldn’t. He had a certain way with her.

He showed up and talked to her.

/"Maverick, I don’t want to go./"

/"That’s fine, but it will be boring going and you not being there./" He shrugged.

/"Wait. Why are you going to?/"

/"Well, I like to attend dances while dressing up. There’s dancing, punch, snacks, and girls./"

/"Wait a minute. What girls?/"