




I don’t know what had happened, but there was a lot of yelling and door slamming, which wasn’t helping my head. Piper had left, and I laid there.

I got up to grab something for my headache when I heard talking from the kitchen and realized it was Ma and Dad.

/"Nash, how could you hit him?/"

/"Mags, he should have told me./"

/"It was his job. Larkin came to him under pretenses, so she could talk to him./"

/"It doesn’t matter. Larkin is my daughter. He should have told me./"

Larkin? What does she have to do with this?

/"Nash, part of Nixon’s job is to counsel people. If they tell him something in confidentiality, he can’t break it. It’s no different from a lawyer and a doctor./"

/"But he needed to tell us what happened./"

/"I know, but Larkin had to be the one to tell us./"

/"I don’t know what to do, Mags. How do I help Larkin when someone raped her?/"