


The Gray Brothers bakery attracts more than customers


I was in the back, grabbing some ingredients for Dad’s order, when I heard Ma ask, /"Lex, can you come out here?/"

I took the items to the steel table, set them down, and went out to the front area. Piper stood there. She smiled and waved. I turned around and started to the back when Dad stopped me. He motioned for me to turn around. I sighed.

I walked over to the counter.

/"Did you need something?/" I asked her.

She took a step forward. /"Yes, I would like a cupcake and a coffee, please./"

I looked at her as she continued to smile. Then I saw my sisters. What were they up to now? Because they had that look. You know the one that says I will eat you alive and enjoy it.

I ignored them as I opened the case, and Piper told me, /"Not that one./" Every cupcake I reached for, she said the same thing. My patience was growing thin.