


The Gray Sisters


Did you ever have a dream where everything seems peaceful, and things are significant? Yeah, I never have those dreams, not when I live with four crazy-ass sisters. Crazy? No, more like bat shit crazy.

These girls have made it their mission to make my life a living freaking nightmare. Since I’m the only guy besides Dad, who doesn’t count, I get to deal with their crazy antics while growing up. One time they dressed me up like a girl! A freaking girl!

It’s no wonder they flunked biology. My sisters couldn’t even get my gender correct.

My sisters have gotten the wild side down pat. Lyric is the oldest and take-charge. Then Larkin, whose second language is sarcasm. Lakin has a temper. Finally, you have Luna, who can’t keep her hands off the boys. Then you have me, the boy in this insane scenario.