


Can you feel the love? A Valentine’s Day Chapter


I let nature take its course with Mags. I didn’t want to push Mags but didn’t want to lose her. We had a breakthrough. It didn’t mean we were in the clear yet. We still had a way to go.

I wanted to do something special for her but didn’t want to pressure her, so I enlisted Nix and Kat to help me. We had a double date to help ease the anxiety for her.

We kept it casual and simple. I wanted to make Mags comfortable. My brothers and the girls helped us.

I knocked on her door as she lifted her head. I walked in carrying a vase of red roses. /"I thought you would enjoy some flowers./"

She smiled and got up. /"Nash, they’re beautiful!/"

/"Roses are your favorite flower./" I smiled.

/"Thank you./" She placed a small kiss on my lips.

/"So, tonight, Nix, Kat, and I will take you to dinner, then dancing. I thought it would be easier for you./"