


Admitting the truth


My stint in rehab was ending, and my parents would bring me home before everyone else arrived. I met with Reverend Thomas after one of my meetings. I walked into the chapel and looked around for him but didn’t see him. I took a seat in the front pew.

How was I going to do this? When I came here, I planned to complete this stipulation, return to school, and resume my fun. It took time, but I admitted the truth. I’m an alcoholic. I used the bottle to help me cope with life like I used Nash, but I didn’t have him or Kat to deal with the difficult moments. I put Nathan and Noah through hell. I treated Maggie like shit. I thought getting drunk was better than dealing with the hurt and pain. The alcohol numbed the pain and made me feel better. When I would sober up, I would have a massive hangover.