




Did you ever have a perfect moment? Well, I didn’t. I wish I did, but when you live with the Gray family, good luck. The summer was great, and we watched the demon twins graduate. I’m surprised they graduated, to be honest. I’m even more surprised they got into college.

Did I mention our living arrangements changed? Oh, yeah, they did. More families joined us. Nate and his brothers thought it would be a super-duper idea to rent a larger house. Oh, yay.

Not only would I have the Gray brothers, but their crazy cousins, my friends, and our roommates living with me. Yep, we were one big happy family. Will someone shoot me now?


We arrived at the new house. Nate, along with his brothers, came to help us get settled. Pat, Karen, and Dominique stayed home. Smart women. Too bad I couldn’t stay home.