




Did you ever have this crazy-ass dream where your world crashes down on you? Well, it wasn’t a dream, but a freaking nightmare. When I say a nightmare, I mean when the doorbell rang.

We were sleeping when someone rang the doorbell.

Jace came downstairs to answer it, and his eyes widened. /"Uncle Nate and Aunt Pat!/"

They stood there, looking none too happy. Jace behaved as a loving nephew would. He slammed the door on their faces and ran upstairs.

Our door flew open. /"Get up! Your folks are here!/"

I fell out of bed, as did Nash, too, after Jace startled us. Nixon and Kat received the same treatment. They landed on the floor with a thud.

/"Dude, what the hell?/" Nixon asked.

/"Your folks are here, you tool!/"


We hurried and got dressed, then ran downstairs. Nash opened the door to his less than pleased parents.

/"Ma? Dad? What are you doing here?/"