
The Gray One

A demon baby gets mistaken for an angle baby in a raid on an angel fortress

GASTER · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Chapter 1 : What Do We Do Now?

An angel couple was currently looking at a bundle in the middle of the room. One quick glance however revealed that the bundle contained a child, a demon child to be accurate. The male angel was calming down his partner trying to consult her with words of encouragement.

( Male angel POV )

I looked at my wife as guilt beat her up. On the other hand she saved the fortress from being overwhelmed, but she might have broken her oath as a shield maiden by instead of fighting she fled the scene with the babe. Trying to brighten up the mood I made a joke about how our little girl would love a little brother. After that I told her we could contact he elders in the morning and for now we should feed the babe lest it starve during the night. While my wife went to feed the babe I looked out I the night sky dreading the morning to come.

When sunlight hit the family's farm the packed a day meal and started the long journey to the capital. On the way Sophie, the couple's two year old daughter ,was playing with the babe, tickling him doing funny faces and even making names for him. It was late morning when the family arrived in the capital while they hurried towards the elders place orcs ,dwarfs , and many other light-sworn races mulled about with fevor. Once the family made into the meeting room the elders came in one by one each representing an aspect of the capital. Once they were seated they quickly went over the state of affair and got down to business

(Head elder POV)

Today's case would be an interesting one. It's the case of an shield maiden running from her fortress during the most recent attack. Wondering what made her act in an unbecoming manner although we could have went through normal protocol and banished or killed her we instead decided to humor them. When they came in I automatically could sense the aura of a demon and infant one at that. Knowing what went down and connecting the dots I realized something. This boy could be used as a weapon against the demons. All we need to do is care and train it. With that we decided to boost the families status by giving the maiden and higher post and with that our bargain was sealed.