




I dropped Josie off at her dorm and kissed her goodnight. I told her I would call her in the morning. I drove back to the house and walked inside to see Parker and Selena on the couch, watching TV.

/"How was the date?/" Park asked as I looked asked over and sat down in a chair.

/"It was great. I like Josie a lot,/" I said as I smiled.

/"It’s about damn time. Nothing like taking your sweet ass time with things,/" Park remarked as I gave him a look.

/"Although, I saw Shaun when I went to take her haunted housing,/" I mentioned as Park sat forward. /"Shaun had a shiner, and the way Travis treated him didn’t sit well with me./"

/"Do you think that’s why we haven’t seen him?/" Parker asked.

/"Or the fact Shaun took his stuff and left his key,/" Selena said as we looked at her with confusion.

/"What do you mean Shaun took his stuff?/" Parker asked her.