
The origin CHP1

Their was once a child with an unprecedented ability.He could create monsters and control them since birth his name was Voracity Hydra formily known as Akemi bronze.As soon as he was born he would create monster from thin air starting with flu a cute little monster resembling a gremlin at the age of two. Voracity also had gained self-awareness when he woke from his nap. He remembered everything that happened in his old life as how was very lonely he was in his former life. He was your averge neet and shut in he would stay inside and wouldn't open the door for anyone only to get food. His family all died in a car accident he was the only surviver, hes been living off his parents life savings. His bad luck would soon strike again as the convenience store he was at was getting robbed. As Akemi saw the man point his gun at the employee he siad"FUCK!!!"And rushed in to save him since he really didn't care about his own life.As Akemi was trying to fight the robber he made sure everyone got out of the store without any concern for his own life.At the last minute as the cops lights were blinking through the window the robber overpowered him and shot him in the head. As Akemi died he saw a child that looked around the age of 9 to 10 with white hair and golden eyes at a table with some mochi. Akemi siad "Ummm."looking underly confused.And as Akemi was about to say something the kid siad "Akemi unfortuantly you have died but if you want i could reincarnate you." sounding cheerful. Akemi siad "I'll take you up on that offer since my last life was not so well."looking a bit sad.The kid siad"also am god if you want to know the ruler of the heavens." he smirked as he siad it. Akimi didn't looked to surprised with what he heard.As god looked at him he siad "am going to give you a amazing ability its called monster creation this ability can make you able to make monsters and control them."god sounded ecstatic he siad it. Akemi looked at god with such a delighted face as he siad "thank you for such an amazing ability the possibilities are infinite."as he siad with a smile. As god siad"have a joyous life with no regrets ok Akemi" while waving and smiling.