I was once a warrior unlike any other, my power was such that a single punch was enough to break space and time. In my search for absolute power, I became blind to those around me. The result couldn't have been different, they backstabbed me... If only I knew I couldn't trust just anyone... if only I had friends to help me and protect me along the way... if only I had listened to her... But fate had other plans for me. So be it then! A new life you give me? Then, I shall start anew! I won't abandon my family like before! I shall protect my clan! I'll make friends and help them as well! This cold heart shall finally understand the heat of love for the first time!
The Grand Uzumaki Ancestor
Additional info:
Every character name will be written using this form: (name-first/surname-last)
There won't be any Japanese honorifics such as (san, chan, kun, etc)
Every term be it village name, techniques, etc, will be written in its translated form unless there are no translations, save a few exceptions, you will notice the patterns as you read...
This is an alternate universe fanfiction of Naruto with a reincarnated character from a cultivation world.
He won't become a god in few chapters, while age immortality will be achieved fairly quickly (no more than thirty chapters), power will take a long time, I assure you that he will only achieve Hashirama/Madara's level (the level they had during the battle at the valley of end, meaning the one before Madara had awakened Rinnegan) by the time of the second shinobi world war, many chapters in the future, before this, his level will just be around that of a powerful Jonin/Hokage.
Book 1 - The Will Of Fire!
Chapter 1: The disappointing Tsunayoshi Uzumaki
Tsuna sighed as he looked towards his teacher who was occupied teaching everyone how to perform the <Three-Shinobi-Jutsu>. Just as it was named, the Three-Shinobi-Jutsu referred to a set of jutsus one had to master in order to call himself a shinobi.
Clone Technique
Transformation Technique
Body Replacement Technique
Today it has been exactly 9 years since he reincarnated, usually, someone at his age should have already been graduated from the clan's training grounds, but... Just looking around made him sigh with embarrassment, all the kids training with him were between the ages of 5 and 6 years old.
"Just what's wrong with me?" Tsuna couldn't understand why it was so difficult for him to perform Ninjutsu, he was clearly superior to anyone from the Uzumaki clan in throwing techniques and kenjutsu, could it be that there was something wrong with his so-called chakra?
As he was lost in his thoughts, Ichiro, his teacher, frowned at Tsuna's lack of attention and shouted for every student.
"Tomorrow is the graduation test, those who pass the test will finally become Shinobi, the others at the age limit..." Ichiro smirked as his eyes focused on Tsuna for a moment. "Will have their last chance, if you fail, then, civilian life awaits you. Dismissed!"
"Yes, teacher!" All the students bowed and quickly left.
Tsuna glared at Ichiro for a moment before simply turning away and leaving.
He couldn't blame the man for being angered by such a useless student, he was once the head of an organization, he knew very well the frustrations of refining rough diamonds only to discover that he was just wasting his time with shining pieces of trash...
After all, someone like him who had such dark red hair would have been considered a genius in a normal case, since it meant the power of the bloodline was way above average.
But he still couldn't control chakra in order to perform Ninjutsu.
On his way home, Tsuna stopped near the river that crossed the Land Of Whirlpools and sat down beneath the shadow of a tree.
He watched the fish jumping with joy from the lake, a sad light in his eyes.
If the worst happened, he would just leave the Uzumaki clan and hone his skills until they could accept him as a useful asset or die trying. After all, back in his previous life, he lived a similar situation, the difference being how he was practically tortured by the clan who forced him to work for them while refusing to give him an appropriate amount of food or even a place to live.
His situation back then was literally of a slave without rights, it was for that reason that when he got powerful, he killed everyone there who forced this kind of life on him, only sparing the members of the clan who clearly had nothing to do with this and the disciples of the clan who never used him or the other slaves as practice targets.
But the Uzumaki were different, despite living in fear and in a constant war for hundreds of years, they never looked down on civilians, they might despise the members without talent, but they never hurt them or made them live miserable lives, even now he still had a place to call home, food to eat...
The Uzumaki clan was the closest thing he ever had to a family, never in his life had someone treated him like that. Those emotions that didn't fit well with his personality slowly changed him over the years, until he finally decided to pay back this kindness tenfold.
Sighing, he was about to stand up when something inside him made him frown. He sat again and closed his eyes to concentrate.
After focusing for some time he finally understood what was happening and couldn't help but suck a mouthful of cold air.
In his previous life, what separated warriors and mages from civilians was a special event when one turned ten called Awakening. This feeling he was having was pretty similar.
Energy poured in through his pores and slowly circulated through his veins. Feeling this weird energy coursing all around his body he suddenly managed to identify things that were very similar to the meridians which were a central part of Spiritual Enlightenment in his previous life.
Overall, this weird energy formed some sort of energy pathway system that seemed to connect to 361 points in his body starting from a point that he was very familiar with in his previous life.
"This... it can't be... a dantian!? But... how?"
A dantian was a region in the body, usually located below the chest and above the waist where energy was gathered and then refined in order to transform Vital Energy from heavens and earth into Refined Warrior Chi or Refined Magi's Prana.
But there was something different with this energy that suddenly flooded his body, instead of simply sucking in energy from the outside, it just gathered enough to activate the pathway system which started to suck energy from his heart instead.
Tsuna could feel how each time his heart beats, a small amount of energy was produced and then sent through the pathway system for the rest of his body.
He observed this reaction for half an hour, at that time his whole body was filled with this energy and his heart stopped producing it.
"Soul and body as one... just what the hell is this? How could it be so complex and weak at the same time... Back then, only a third stage would achieve this state, and yet... their power would be at least great enough to destroy mountains."
Tsuna frowned the more he played with this energy in his body, it was very diluted... so much so that it felt like gas in his body. At that moment realization struck him.
"Could this be chakra? If so, why my Awakening was only now, unlike the other children who managed to access their chakra pool as young as 5 years old?" The more he thought about this issue, the more he focused on the spiritual-related part of this energy system... "My soul is from a different realm and it had also been damaged after I died, could this be the reason? The age coincidence... no, with a mystery like this, the most simple answer must be the one, and in this case..."
Tsuna clapped as he entwined his hands and closed his eyes. Murmuring words, he started to chant his old <Seven Mysteries Sutra>.
At that moment a different kind of energy started to gather around him, as this energy entered his body through the 361 pressure points, they forcefully pushed his chakra towards his dantian. Meanwhile, his heart began to produce chakra once again since his chakra pathways weren't filled as before.
With this obstacle in the way, the new energy take over of the pathway system wasn't halted but became extremely sluggish.
Tsuna was drenched in sweat as he focused his soul and body on this work. A few hours later, he finally managed to fill all his pathway with this energy but unlike what he expected, the energy didn't enter his dantian, instead, it formed a second one that then broke through all of his pressure points and started to open his veins as they rushed towards his twelve principal meridians.
At that moment both chakra and the foreign energy formed some sort of connection as an identical ghost energy pathway formed underneath the chakra pathway system and his heart started producing the two kinds of energy.
While this happened the veins in Tsuna's body started to pop out like they were about to explode. Feeling that excess of energy, he remembered the instructions of his sutra and forcefully commanded his energy with dexterity and caution as he forcefully dispersed them from his new ghost pathway system and poured them into his flesh.
After some time, his body finally went back to normal as Tsuna fell on the ground completely drenched in sweat, however, a big smile had taken over his face.
"Ha... haha... What a weird world... Damn it... it will take a few days to get used to this new level of strength."
"Alright, Tsunayoshi, it's now your turn, if you fail the test you'll have to live as a civilian, the Uzumaki clan won't be able to put more resources on you. The best we will be able to do is give you some food and allow you to stay in your deceased parent's home."
The examiner spoke.
Tsuna nodded and stepped forward towards the one who would evaluate him today.
On the side, the kids watched with curiosity.
"Hey, don't you think the older brother Tsuna looks more confident today?"
"Yeah, why is he smiling?"
"Maybe he discovered what he was doing wrong before."
Hearing the words of his little brothers and sisters from the training grounds, Tsuna's smile got even bigger.
"Since we all know how great your taijutsu is, we will only evaluate your Three-Shinobi-Technique."
"Yes!" Tsuna nodded.
Seeing that he was ready, the examiner held a kunai and shouted before throwing it. "Use Body Replacement Technique!"
As the kunai quickly approached, Tsuna's pupils narrowed as a puff of smoke appeared just after the kunai hit something.
Seeing this, the examiner did some quick hand signs and produced a gust of wind that dispersed the smoke cloud.
When they all noticed the log on the ground with a kunai attached to it, they gasped.
"What!? He managed to do it!"
"Wow! Old brother Tsuna finally did it!"
"Congratulation older brother Tsuna!"
Ichiro who watched everything from far away, had a bitter smile on his face as he watched this. "So he finally made some progress... sigh."
The examiner who wasn't aware of Tsuna's reputation shrugged while thinking that he was just popular with the other kids.
With a clipboard and pen in his hands, he then said. "Now perform both clone and transformation technique."
Hearing his words, Tsuna became stiff for a moment as he laughed embarrassed.
"What is it?" The examiner asked.
"Well... I can't do them at the same time yet..."
The two looked at each other and sighed at the same time.
Ichiro couldn't help but facepalm as he heard his words... "Ahh... Tsunayoshi Uzumaki is still a disappointment..."
After Tsuna did both jutsus one at a time, he finally graduated.
Feeling the headband with the Uzumaki crest on his head, he couldn't help but smile. At least he managed to do it!