
the grand summoner

sage the weakest hunter ever.

wildwolfgirl78 · ファンタジー
1 Chs


Sage was always different from the other hunters in the human world. With her fiery red hair and piercing green eyes, she stood out wherever she went. But what truly set her apart was her ability to understand monsters, a rare gift but that was not enough her combate skill at only 10 that made her an E rank hunter.

While others were busy hunting down creatures for their valuable resources, Sage roamed the forests and mountains, seeking out injured or abandoned monsters and nursing them back to health. She had a special bond with these creatures, and they would often follow her around like loyal companions.

But despite her unique talent, Sage was considered the weakest hunter in the human world. Her inability to level up like other hunters made her an easy target for ridicule and discrimination. She was often mocked and belittled by her peers, who saw her as nothing more than a glorified pet owner.

However, Sage didn't let their words affect her. She knew the value of her gift, and she continued to use it for the greater good. That is until one fateful encounter changed everything.

While exploring a newly discovered dungeon, Sage came face to face with a powerful monster. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before, with razor-sharp claws, a massive frame, and glowing red eyes that seemed to pierce through her soul. Sage knew she was no match for this creature, but she refused to back down.

She bravely stepped forward, ready to face her fate, when suddenly a blinding light engulfed her. The last thing she remembered was the monster's deafening roar before everything went dark.

When Sage finally opened her eyes, she found herself lying in a strange room, surrounded by unfamiliar faces. She soon learned that she had been rescued by a group of S rank hunters who were exploring the same dungeon. They had found her barely alive and brought her back to their headquarters to recover.

As Sage regained her strength, she realized that something had changed within her. She could feel a surge of power coursing through her veins, and she knew it was something she had never experienced before. It was then that she discovered her new ability - the power to level up without limits.

Sage was ecstatic. She had been given a second chance, and she was determined to make the most of it. She spent the next few weeks training with her newfound strength, and soon enough, she had surpassed even the strongest hunters in the world.

With her newfound power, Sage could now tame even the most dangerous and elusive monsters. She will became a legend among hunters, but she did not want that and with this new system was the quest and it penalties if she fail to complete them within the set time limite but it did give her reward for doing them.

Her first quest was to find the legendary Dragon's Eye, said to grant immense power to whoever possessed it. Sage set off on her journey, navigating through treacherous lands and facing countless obstacles. She eventually reached the dragon's lair, guarded by a fearsome dragon with eyes as green as emeralds.

The dragon sensed her presence and challenged her to a duel. They fought for hours, their strength and agility surpassing anything Sage had ever seen before. In the end, Sage emerged victorious, having summoned a powerful tornado that had sent the dragon flying into a nearby mountain.

As she approached the dragon's body, she noticed a glint of light coming from its eye socket. With shaking hands, she removed the Dragon's Eye and felt a surge of power coursing through her veins. She had done it. She had completed her first quest and earned the Dragon's Eye as her reward.

With this newfound power, Sage set out to complete more quests, using her unique abilities to help and protect those in need. then a dungeon appeared only she could enter, it was a quest for a job change she decide to become a summoner, she had to fight and defeat the guardian of the summoner's art, a powerful ancient mage who had sealed himself in a time loop, trapped in an eternal battle with an army of undead. The key to defeating him lay in understanding the pattern of his attacks and breaking the cycle of time.

After weeks of training and preparation, Sage entered the dungeon, ready for the fight of her life. The ancient mage, clad in robes that shimmered with arcane energy, stood atop a hill, surrounded by a legion of undead minions. He sensed her presence and summoned his most powerful servants to block her path. Sage fought her way through the undead horde, her sword dancing like a blur as she weaved between their clumsy attacks.

Finally, she reached the mage. He laughed mockingly and unleashed a torrent of spells and summoned creatures at her. Sage dodged and parried, her reflexes honed to perfection. As the battle raged on, she began to see the patterns in his attacks, and she realized that he was trapped in an eternal cycle. Each time he summoned his minions, they would eventually be destroyed, only for him to summon them again.

With this knowledge, Sage devised a plan. She focused her energy and summoned her own familiar, a wise and powerful dragon. The ancient mage's eyes widened in surprise as the dragon appeared, and he unleashed his strongest attack yet. Sage directed the dragon to fly above the battlefield, out of the mage's reach. Then, she used her newfound power to warp time around them, slowing down the world to a crawl.

Time seemed to stand still as Sage and the ancient mage faced off in the center of the battlefield. The undead minions froze in place, their eyes glowing with an unearthly light. Sage took advantage of this brief respite to study the mage's expression, searching for any hint of weakness. She found it in his eyes, a glimmer of hope that she could break the cycle and free him from his eternal torment.

With a swift and precise strike, Sage severed the thread of fate that bound the ancient mage to his eternal battle. The world snapped back to normal, and the undead minions crumbled to dust. The ancient mage fell to his knees, exhausted, but free. He thanked Sage for setting him free and bestowed upon her the title of Summoner, granting her the power to summon and control powerful creatures from the other side of reality.

As Sage took her newfound power and left the dungeon, she knew that her adventures were only just beginning. She had become more than just a hunter, more than just a summoner. she could level up with out limites now and become a one man army, but she had to be carefull with her power. She decided to use it for the greater good, helping those in need and protecting the innocent.

Her first order of business was to find a place where she could train and hone her skills further. She had heard rumors of a hidden city deep in the heart of the forest, where powerful mages and summoners gathered to share their knowledge and secrets. Intrigued, she set out to find it.

Days turned into weeks as she journeyed deeper into the forest, navigating through dense foliage and avoiding predators. Finally, she spotted a glimmer of light shining through the treetops, signaling the presence of the elusive city. With renewed determination, she pushed forward, eager to learn all that she could.

As she approached the city gates, guards clad in flowing robes and wielding staffs blocked her path. They asked for her name and purpose, and when they heard that she had come seeking knowledge, they bowed before her. It seemed that word of her deeds had spread far and wide, and she was now a respected figure among the summoners.

Welcomed into the city, Sage was taken to the grand hall, where the greatest summoners of the land gathered to share their wisdom. She listened intently as they spoke of ancient lore and powerful rituals, and she absorbed their knowledge like a sponge. in the end she learn a new ability to summon a monster called the shadow mane wolf, a beast with the powers of both the wolf and shadow and she was granted the title of Grand Summoner.

As time passed, Sage became an integral part of the city's community. She helped the people with their problems, using her abilities to summon creatures to defend them from bandits or to find lost children in the forest. Her reputation as a hero and protector spread far beyond the city limits, and people from all across the land came to seek her aid.

One day, a messenger arrived at the city gates, bearing news of a terrible threat. A powerful demon lord had risen from the depths of the underworld, and he was gathering an army of monsters and evil sorcerers. His intentions were clear: to conquer the world and enslave all who dwelt in it. The leaders of the city knew that they could not face this enemy alone, and so they called upon Sage to lead their forces against the demon lord.

Sage gathered her trusted familiars and allies, including the ancient dragon she had summoned long ago. Together, they marched through the lands, gathering armies of brave warriors and skilled mages to join their cause. As they drew closer to the demon lord's fortress, they could feel the Malefic energy radiating from it, corrupting everything in its path.

The battle was long and brutal, with both sides suffering terrible losses. Sage fought with all her might, her sword and magic carving through the demonic hordes like a whirlwind. The ancient dragon soared through the skies, raining fire and destruction upon the enemy below. In the end, Sage was able to pierce the demon lord's hide with her sword, and with a final, mighty blow, she vanquished him from the world.

The land was saved, but the cost was high. Many of Sage's allies and familiars had fallen in battle, and she knew that she could not continue to fight forever. As the dust settled, she decided to return to the city, to rest and heal her wounds. She knew that the world would always need a protector, and so she vowed to spend the rest of her days training new summoners and preparing them to take up the mantle of defender against the forces of darkness.

And so, the legend of Sage, the Grand Summoner, continued to be told around campfires and in taverns across the land. Her name was spoken with reverence and awe, for she had saved the world from the brink of destruction and ushered in a new age of peace and prosperity. But more than that, she had shown that even one person, armed with courage, determination, and the power of the Other Side, could make a difference.