
Chapter 36

He had had some stomach problems the night before, so in the first place, he attributed the nightmare to that. William Richardson had been tossing and turning in a deep, restless sleep, fraught with unrealistic threats and dangers.

Suddenly a strong idea appeared like a flash in the middle of all the other lights. Somehow Richardson knew that he was in Avalon, in the middle of King Arthur's Court and surrounded by his twelve knights. His brain, freaked out and running at breakneck speed, began to count.

Jack, Lakshmi, Taro, Jerome, Corrado, Wolfram, Zhi, Chandice, Mike, Nick, Aulric and… Matsuko. Twelve in all.

Twelve gentlemen around a round table. But the nightmare was just beginning. Who was who at that meeting? In the dream he got up from his chair and began to wander around the table. Excited, he started to look closely at their faces, and under the chain mail, he could recognize their faces.

Sir Lancelot was Jack Berglund, not too surprising.