
The Gorgon: Medusa

Medusa who had always wanted to serve Athena, her favourite goddess, the female warrior who is known to defend female. Athena had always been her role model so what she has always been longing to do was granted to her when Athena accepted her service. When she started her service to Athena, she served her wholeheartedly but the nature of jealousy imbibed in every female And the lust in every male for beautiful women brought about the betrayal of medusa which eventually led to the curse kept on her by Athena. After Medusa was turned to a beast, she lived aimlessly without having any reason to live.This aimless living stopped when she found Aries, someone who gave her a reason to smile, experience several emotions and live although there were obstacles along the way, it was fended off.

lethality · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter 5: Separated

Medusa knew Aries was teasing her but she was so determined to find out his origin. So Medusa decided to fulfill her part of the deal which is to go out among the humans with him so she can get the answers to her questions.

" Are you ready Aries because I am done, you know as someone who is half snake and half human there is little to dress up in my body." she smiled mischievously.

" Aries was defeated but he felt he wouldn't give up so easily , so he got up and turned toward Medusa while giving her a dashing smile.

" As you wish my lady." he smiled again, this made Medusa so furious.

" My lady , you need to move very fast before the humans closes their door till the next morning, so we can get what we want." Aries said musing in his mind, two can play this game. He felt Medusa was going to give up soon before they reach the outskirt of the forest.

Instead of Medusa slowing down, she picked up her speed. this reaction was unexpected to Aries.

When they got to the outskirt of the forest, Aries stopped and turned to face Medusa.

" You can go back now if you don't want to do this." he said, the mischievous smile still plastered on his face but his expression grew solemn the moment Medusa slithered into the town without looking at him.

Aries was dumbfounded, he didn't know Medusa was going to take it this far. He was still motionless when he heard a shrilled voice shouting.

" The beast is here, the cursed beast is here , may our gods help us and not forsake us to the beast." The woman kept shouting.

By the time Aries got to the human town, he found every where in utter disarray, people fainting, shouting, crying and running amok while Medusa slithered nonchalantly toward the places she needed to get stuffs from, picking what she needed and dropping the money she got from the belongings of those who perished at the forest.

When Aries came back to his senses , he ignited his power a little , he quickened his speed to meet up with Medusa. He held her by her hand and turned her to meet his eye.

" You have to stop this Medusa and let us head back home." he said with a serious look that is rarely found on his face.

" Is this enough to tell me what I need to know." She replied Aries emotionlessly.

" Yes,it is." Aries said through gritted teeth.

With this Medusa slithered back into the forest while the humans ran into the temples praying to their gods and goddesses to save them from a calamity that is about to befall them.

Aries noticed that since Medusa came back from the human town she seems so cold and distant not like the Medusa he knows. he decided to give her some space to sort her herself out.

while Aries was outside seasoning the animals killed by he and Medusa with the spices Medusa picked from the human town. Medusa came outside and coil up on front of him. she had a blank look on her face. she looked at Aries.

" Do you think there is a place that accepts beasts like me," she said with a blank look on her face.

" I thought about this several times, is there a place I can be accepted without discrimination. When I was human , I was envied, hated by so many. Me going to the human town today made me realize I have never been accepted my whole life."

Aries looked at her with a serious look on his face

" Do you want to hear the truth or be received by me." he replied her.

" I want to hear the truth." Medusa replied thinking that Aries will finally stop deceiving her and make her see the reality.

"There is a place for you , where you can be accepted with no judgements." Aries said with a solemn look.

Medusa was taken aback and stupetified

" Where is that place." she asked with her voice trembling thinking Aries was pulling pranks on her as usual.

" That is my kingdom, where I come from." Aries paused

" You have always wanted to know my origin, I come from the land of the beasts." immediately Aries replied Medusa , his mischievous smile reverted back in his face.

Medusa felt something was wrong somewhere but decided to ask her questions.

" Where is the kingdom located?, what type of beast are you?." she rushed the whole question out at once.

Aries smiled mischievously and replied her

" I told you I will tell you my origin but I didn't tell you I will venture deep into my origin, I feel I have fulfilled my end of bargain." He said with a smile Medusa finds annoying as time pass , then he pushed a plate into her hand.

" eat up" he said still smiling.

Medusa was short of words , her eyes turned red

" Do you mean I risked my neck to enter the human town , endure all that for you to tell me you come from the kingdom of the beasts I don't know where it is located or where it exist or not." Her eyes were blazing , as she said the words slowly.

" Yes, I think you can say that." Aries said without looking at a her and continued eating.

Medusa was so annoyed that she moved swiftly before he could comprehend anything, picked him up and smashed him on the wall, the walls of the old mansion vibrated as Aries hit the wall and slipped to the ground.

" Medusa , it isn't up to this," Aries said trying to move away from her but couldn't escape , before he could catch his breath he saw Medusa next to him with blazing red eyes. She picked him up and flung him at the wall again making all of Aries bones shatter.

" why are you being violent my dear Medusa." Aries said once again trying to to reason with her but all to no avail. Medusa gave Aries a thorough beating and went inside leaving Aries to nurse his wounds.

" I shouldn't have told her I am a beast, that was a great mistake I made." Aries lamented bitterly.

Aries became alerted the moment he felt some strong auras rushing toward his direction. Then , there appeared three people. This trio has a unique appearance. The one at the forefront was a beautiful woman clad in warrior clothes, the second one was an elegant looking man carrying a Trident while the last one was a buffy looking man. He was riddled with scars on his face.

Aries mischievous smile played on his lips as he moved toward them.

" I think this should be our mighty God and goddess," he said with a smile on his face.

" Athena, Poseidon and Ares respectively." He continued.

The trio kept looking at him and were wondering where the puny Human got his courage from.

" To whom do we owe the honour of your visitation." He said with a smile on his face looking at the trio casually and not bothered by the aura and pressure being kept on him by the gods and goddess. This made the trio flustered.

" There is a monster here which disrupted the peace among humans and we need it contained to ensure the peace and rest of mind for the humans who seek for our help." Athena said with so much air of self righteousness.

" I am sorry to dissapoint you, there is no beast here but two beings living here peacefully." Aries said still maintaining the smile on his face.

" It will be better for a human like you to stay out of this."Ares said and unleashed his aura a little but Aries was unaffected by this.

" where you wounded that much, you shoy have finished nursing your wounds. you know you deserved the beating." Medusa said as she slithered out but her eyes hardened as she sees the unwanted visitor in her territory. The whole surrounding turned chilly and her eyes blazed.

" Medusa, it will be appropriate for you to stop any resistance and accompany us silently." Athena said with a serious look.

" Hypocrites." Medusa spat out. Athena immediately appeared beside Medusa and slapped her across her face which sent her flying , she ended up being smashed against the tree. Athena succeeded with this because they found out ways to avoid her gaze. so they escaped being petrified by her which is her main power. And Medusa never cultivated her physical power.

The smile on Aries face disappeared completely and his face hardened. Aries was no longer found in his former position. Athena was taken aback by Aries presence in her front and couldn't resist against him because the attack was unexpected. Aries reached out his hands and slapped Athena so hard that she was flung backward. This resulted in her bones breaking. She wasn't given the time to catch her breath before Aries Appeared before her and dealt with her till she was immobilized and decided to escape with a special means that takes her to her domain immediately. She left wondering which creature Aries is.

" sheesh , why are you so hypocritical , was any human hurt," he asked so annoyed.

" Because of you people, I had to unleash my power and attract the people I don't want to attract here." He said with so much annoyance.

" Whatever creature you might be , I implore you not to hinder the arrest of the beast Medusa." Poseidon said. The moy the words came out of his mouth, he felt a huge force landing on him like a huge Boulder crushing an ant. He narrowly escaped death due to their special means.

" I kept saying there are no beast here, you all wouldn't listen." He said with so much annoyance.

Ares looked at him then left like the his other companion.

Aries teleported toward Medusa who still astonished from what she witnessed.

" What are you." Medusa said with much curiosity.

" I don't really have much time with you here, my use of power will be traced here by my people and I will have to follow them." He told her solemnly.

" This bracelet should be worn when you are ready to come to the kingdom of beasts, it will open up a portal for you and transform you, till we meet again take care of yourself." Aries said in a soft voice , his hardened demeanor earlier and his usual mischievous smile could not be found. He gently caressed her face while the snakes on her head calmed down.

" They just couldn't calm down for a while before they come." He said in a frustrated tone.

He stood up and didn't look at Medusa again and moved toward the portal which transported people out.

" Your highness." They echoed the same time.

The older Man among them moved toward Aries

" The emperor is dead." announced the man.

Aries became stiff then resumed walking and entered the portal without looking back leaving the dazed Medusa where she was.