
The Gods Among Us

After waking up in an alleyway, a young boy discovered he had powers. Lots and lots of powers. What he doesn't have is any memory of who, or what, he is. At least, not until he meets a certain group of people.

QuickShot1445 · アクション
51 Chs

Two vs. Two


Jumping and flying into the air, Jacob and Moses charge toward Lafayette and me. I swing the lamppost in my hands but Moses flies underneath and uppercuts me. I drop the lamppost as I am thrown into the air. While Moses follows after me, Jacob tackles Lafayette, pushing her to the ground before rolling and throwing her somewhere.

"Lafayette," I shout. I want to go and help her but I cannot. Hearing a battle cry, I look down to see Moses approaching me from below. Pulling back his fist, I pull back my own fist and throw it forward. Our fists collide and send a powerful shockwave throughout the cold night sky. However, I am only slightly pushed back. Moses, on the other hand, is sent falling down. He lands back in the parking lot a few seconds later, disappearing in a massive dust cloud. Flying toward the dust cloud, I stop myself from entering it. Instead, I swing my hand, grabbing and throwing all the dust away. As I throw the dust away, I see a large empty pothole.

"Empty," I yell. "Where did he go?"

I snap left and right, searching for what the man known as Moses could have gone but do not see him anywhere. I close my eyes and listen. As I focus on my listening, I hear the sound of someone grunting. Following the sound, I turn around to see Moses picking up a whole truck. Standing underneath the truck, raising it with both his hands, Moses then throws the red pickup truck at me. Using my telekinesis power, I grab the red truck and throw it to the side. Turning back to Moses, I see him once again charging toward me.

I swing my arm, trying to punch Moses but Moses jumps into the air, flying right over me. Now, hovering behind me, Moses wraps one of his arms around my neck. Strangling me, I grab Moses's arm and prepare to throw him but before I can, Moses shoves something against my back. Whatever he shoves against my back burns my skin.

I scream as the sound of sizzling is burnt into my ears. Biting my lips, I shake right and left before throwing Moses off of me. Moses flips through the air for a few seconds before stopping. Turning around, I can see what Moses is holding.

"A cross," I say, eyeing a medium-sized, yellow cross right in Moses's hand. He clutches the cross tightly in his hand as he brings it up. "Shoot."

I rub the still-burning spot on my back. As my fingers touch it, it shoots out an almost unbearable pain. To stop myself from screaming again, I have to bite my tongue. Breathing in and out through my nose, I cross my arms as Moses charges toward me again.


Screaming as Jacob punches me, I fall to the parking lot ground, skidding against the cold stone. Even before I can push myself up, Jacob grabs and raises me up. Holding me face-to-face with him, I can see red in Jacob's eyes. Jacob doesn't even hesitate as he places his hand against my chest.

Shooting out a telekinesis blast, the blast carries me back into dinner. Falling onto the counter, I slide along it, hitting all sorts of things like ketchup bottles and napkin holders. I, the ketchup bottles, and the napkin holders all slide along the counter until we hit a wall and fall onto the floor.

"Ahhh," I sigh. Shaking some ketchup off my hand as I push myself up, I look up to see Jacob slowly flying in through the broken window.

"You choose this path," Jacob shouts. "You made me and Moses do this. You had a mission but you chose to abandon it!"

"I didn't abandon the mission," I yell, pushing myself back onto my feet. Once I'm back on my feet, I wipe my mouth. "My mission was to find the demon leader and bring him to you. I find the demon leader."

"And what," Jacob says, cutting me off. "You brought him to me?"

"No," I say. "I found the demon leader but he's not the demon leader anymore. He's A now, and he's not a bad person. Come on, Jacob. You must have seen it yourself!"

Jacob doesn't cut me off this time. Instead, he puts his hands together before throwing another telekinesis blast at me. I cross my arms and manage to block it but Jacob's blast is still powerful. My feet slide against the tilted floor as I hit the wall again.

"Yeah! I've seen it myself! I've seen 'A' very stupidly use his powers in public! Public! People saw him! They saw him, and if it wasn't for me, we all would have been exposed! Do you know what would happen if people found out angels and demons are real! The world would be thrown into chaos! A may have tried to do something right but that does not excuse what he also almost did! A, no! The demon leader had to be taken in. And your friends. They must have their memory wiped. That is final. You should be lucky that Moses and I haven't told anyone about this yet!"

"Yeah," I say, uncrossing my stinging arms. "I feel so lucky right now."

Out of breath already and barely able to stand on my shaking legs, I look at Jacob as he stands in front of me. His eyes are still burning red and he looks more than ready to throw another telekinesis blast. He's not panting and his legs are like stubborn trees.

"Just give up," Jacob says. "Did you forget? I was the one who taught you how to use your powers."

"Yeah," I say, dropping onto one of my knees. Slamming my whole hand down onto the floor, I start to shake it. Looking up, I face Jacob.

"Yeah. You were the one that taught me how to use my powers."

I keep my head straight but I look a little to the side. To Jacob's left side, I see something slowly rise up from behind the counter. It pulls itself back, waiting for my signal.

"But it was Matt who picked the movie, Anaconda: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid. Have you ever seen it?"


The giant green and black snake, the anaconda, answers Jacob for me. It lunges at Jacob, biting his face before wrapping itself around him. Jacob screams as the anaconda forces him onto the floor.


"Ahhh," I cry as the giant snake tightens itself around. Forcing the breath out of me, I use my power of flight to get myself back onto my feet. Once back on my feet, I try to pry the snake off of me but it's stronger than it seems.

"What is this," I yell. "Is this...a giant snake?"

"It's called an anaconda," Lafayette yells. I look back to see Lafayette back on her feet. As she climbs back onto her feet, she puts her hands together and prepares a telekinesis blast. I try to break free of the giant anaconda but it's no use. Lafayette throws the telekinesis blast, knocking both me and the anaconda back.

The two of us fly through a booth and table before hitting the floor. As the snake and I hit the floor, I see the broken table. More precisely, a sharp edge where the top of the table had broken off. Even without my hands, I can still use my telekinesis power. Using my telekinesis power, I pick up the table and use the sharp edge to impale the snake's head. The metal goes right through the top of the head, through the mouth, and out the bottom.

I can finally see everything again as the anaconda fades away. However, the first thing I see is some sort of tall, green humanoid with long black hair and a large silver helmet.

"What are you supposed to be?"

"Another movie favorite of Matt," Lafayette answers. "Jacob. Meet the Predator from the Predator movies series."

I don't even have time to ask. The predator, whatever it is, growls something before something else shoots out from his shoulder. The thing, looking like some sort of sci-fi laser gun, fires.

"It is a laser gun!"

I cross my arms as a large blue and white laser beam hits me. I scream as I push my skidding feet against the floor. As if the laser beam isn't annoying already, now Lafayette is using her telekinesis to pick things up and throw them at me. I cry out as a whole seat is thrown at me.

"That's enough," I shout. Pulling everything in, I curl into a ball before shooting everything out. Unleashing a shockwave, I destroy the Predator and knock Lafayette back. As I unleash the shockwave filled with holy energy, it causes the whole dinner to shake uncontrollably. The windows are all shattered and glass flies everywhere. The counter is completely destroyed and what booths and tables aren't destroyed are now nothing more than torn leather, broken metals, and bits of firewood 

"That is enough," I shout again, walking over to a down Lafayette. Glowing with pure holy energy, I grab Lafayette by the throat and raise her up.

"I taught you everything you know," I say, bringing Lafayette close to me. "But I have never taught you how to do this."

I'm still unable to transform fully but I can still use this enhanced form to slowly pull the holy energy right out of Lafayette's body.