
The Godlike Liar

Nineteen-year-old Eliot Grayson, facing a terminal illness, wishes only to experience life to its fullest in his remaining months. But a bizarre twist of fate , a lightning strike through his window, whisks him away to a mystical world reminiscent of the medieval times, where supernatural powers are the norm, and the extraordinary is everyday. Miraculously cured and physically transformed, Eliot finds himself without powers in a world where magic reigns.

KingDiazie · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Unproclaimed Power

Chapter 12

As the demons lunged at Eliot, he took a deep breath, channeling his newfound power with all the force he could muster. The air around him seemed to shimmer with a raw, palpable fear that pulsed from his very core. Standing firm, he locked his gaze on the advancing horde.

"I SAID BACK DOWN!" Eliot's voice thundered, unlike anything his friends or the villagers had ever heard from him before. It wasn't just loud—it carried a force, a command that seemed to vibrate through the very ground they stood on.

The effect was immediate and terrifying. The demons, so fearsome moments before, halted as if struck by an invisible barrier. They recoiled, their grotesque faces twisted in fear. Around Eliot, even his friends and the villagers felt a cold shiver run down their spines.

"GO BACK!" he continued, his voice a powerful echo across the village square. "LEAVE US ALONE!" The intensity of his words seemed to push the demons back, their forms beginning to dissipate like smoke in the wind.

For a moment, there was silence, broken only by the ragged breaths of the villagers and the distant howls of the retreating demons. Tara, Peter, and James gathered closer to Eliot, their expressions a mix of awe and fear.

"Eliot, what... what was that?" Tara asked, her voice a whisper of disbelief.

James looked at Eliot, both impressed and slightly scared. "Mate, you just... you scared them off. How did you do that?"

Eliot, his heart still pounding from the exertion, shook his head slightly, trying to calm the adrenaline that surged through his veins. "I don't fully understand it myself. It's something I've been hiding... a power I discovered but never really understood or controlled until now." Eliot realising he can't let his friends know that he is not even capable of having an actual power. "Although this isn't any less than a power" he thinks to himself further.

Peter clapped him on the shoulder, a wide grin breaking through his initial shock. "Well, whatever it is, it saved us today. But, man, you've got to teach us how to not be scared of you next time!"

The villagers, now gathering their courage, began to murmur among themselves, their words filled with gratitude and a newfound respect for the young man who had defended them.

Eliot smiled weakly, the weight of his responsibilities settling on his shoulders. "I'll learn more, and I'll make sure I can control it. We need to be prepared. If the legends are true, this might not be the last attack."

The group nodded, their faces set with determination.

It strikes again , the same feeling Eliot felt when he last used this Aura , he could feel like he had just lost a piece of himself yet again..

The village now all destroyed , the old lady from the bookstore that had lended Eliot his book comes forth , "Everybody stand back.. Reverseto" as those words come out of her mouth , the village is now back to how it was before the attack.

"How did you do that ?" asks Eliot , "Oh Eliot you have met her before? , she is one of the elders of our village her name is Samra, gifted with the power of healing whether that be a human or a village hahaha" emphasise Tara

"Woah..that is so cool" responds Eliot

"Have you been enjoying that book child" asks the Elder Samra

"Of course i have it is amazing" replies Eliot

"Child that power you have is something i have not seen ever , your parents had something similar?" Elder Samra asks in confusion

As that question hits Eliot he is reminded of the truth , his parents are long gone , all he had close enough to family was his cousin Anne, "This is so selfish of me forgeting about Anne , i need to find a way to contact her some how" he thinks to himself.

Eliot is brought back into reality by Tara "Eliot she asked you something" , "Apologies i was thinking about something , yes my mother and father had similar powers we called it the Doom of Death" responds Eliot

"Doom of Death mhmm , i see child" answers Elder Samra

Eliot starts feeling more lightheaded as he drops on the ground fainted.