
The Godlike Liar

Nineteen-year-old Eliot Grayson, facing a terminal illness, wishes only to experience life to its fullest in his remaining months. But a bizarre twist of fate , a lightning strike through his window, whisks him away to a mystical world reminiscent of the medieval times, where supernatural powers are the norm, and the extraordinary is everyday. Miraculously cured and physically transformed, Eliot finds himself without powers in a world where magic reigns.

KingDiazie · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Path Of Destruction

Chapter 9

The king's gaze bore into Eliot, a mixture of astonishment and apprehension flickering behind his regal facade.

"What manner of sorcery is this?" the king demanded, his voice betraying a hint of uncertainty.

Eliot squared his shoulders, his resolve hardening with each passing moment. "I don't know," he admitted, his voice tinged with defiance. "But I demand to be returned to the village. This is not where I belong."

The king hesitated, his eyes narrowing as he weighed his options. It was clear that Eliot's unexpected ability had unsettled him, but beneath his facade of confidence, there lingered a flicker of doubt.

"You dare to defy me?" the king thundered, his voice echoing through the grand hall.

Eliot held his ground, his gaze unwavering as he met the king's steely gaze. "I will not be kept prisoner here," he declared, his voice ringing with authority.

For a moment, the king seemed to consider his words, his expression inscrutable as he weighed the consequences of defying Eliot's demand. And then, with a resigned sigh, he nodded to the commanding soldier standing nearby.

"Very well," the king conceded, his tone begrudging. "Escort him back to the village."

With a simple click of his fingers, the commanding soldier summoned forth a swirling vortex of energy, enveloping Eliot in its shimmering embrace. In the blink of an eye, the world around him dissolved into a blur of color and motion, until finally, with a jolt, he found himself standing once more on familiar ground.

Blinking against the sudden brightness of the village square, Eliot took a moment to gather his bearings, his heart still pounding with the adrenaline of his encounter with the king. He cast a wary glance around him, half expecting the soldiers to materialize out of thin air and drag him back to the royal palace.

But to his relief, there was no sign of pursuit. The bustling activity of the village continued unabated, the villagers going about their daily routines with nary a glance in his direction.

Eliot starts walking towards the green hills , just as it hits him

"It can't be true," he muttered to himself, his voice barely above a whisper. "There must be some mistake."

But deep down, he knew the truth. With each passing moment, the memory of the gods' warning echoed in his mind, a haunting refrain that refused to be silenced.

"Just as the gods had warned," he mused bitterly, his thoughts spinning in a dizzying whirlwind of despair. "Every time I use this ability, a piece of my soul is stripped away, my goodness eroded bit by bit until there's nothing left."

The realization hit him like a physical blow, stealing the breath from his lungs and leaving him reeling in its wake. For so long, he had clung to the hope that his newfound abilities would be his salvation, a means of escaping the confines of his illness and forging a new destiny for himself.

But now, faced with the cruel truth of his predicament, he couldn't help but feel a tiny piece of himself slip away with each passing moment, lost to the insatiable hunger of his own power.

As the weight of his burden bore down upon him, Eliot sank to his knees, his heart heavy with regret and sorrow. In that moment of quiet despair, he knew that he could no longer ignore the truth that lay before him, nor could he continue to delude himself with false hope.

For the first time since his arrival in this strange and wondrous world, Eliot Grayson truly understood the cost of his actions, and the toll they would exact upon his very soul. And as he gazed into the abyss of his own darkness, he couldn't help but wonder if there would ever be a way to reclaim the goodness that he had lost, or if he was doomed to walk this path alone, forever haunted by the echoes of his own folly.

As Eliot lay in bed, the weariness of the day weighing heavily on him, he prepared to drift into the realm of sleep. But before he could succumb to its embrace, a blinding flash of light filled the room, pulling him from the brink of slumber. In an instant, he found himself transported to another realm, standing before the divine beings.

Eliot's heart quickened with unease. How many times must he face these divine beings, he wondered. Each encounter seemed to bring with it more questions than answers. Yet, he knew he had no choice but to heed their call and confront whatever trials they had in store for him.

With a resigned sigh, Eliot braced himself for the challenges that lay ahead. Whatever fate awaited him, he would meet it head-on, with courage and determination.