
The Godlike Liar

Nineteen-year-old Eliot Grayson, facing a terminal illness, wishes only to experience life to its fullest in his remaining months. But a bizarre twist of fate , a lightning strike through his window, whisks him away to a mystical world reminiscent of the medieval times, where supernatural powers are the norm, and the extraordinary is everyday. Miraculously cured and physically transformed, Eliot finds himself without powers in a world where magic reigns.

KingDiazie · ファンタジー
25 Chs

No Mercy

Chapter 15

The village lay peaceful under the moon's gentle glow, its inhabitants unaware of the looming threat that crept ever closer. Eliot and Tara walked hand in hand through the quiet streets, their hearts light with the joy of their shared news.

But as they turned a corner, their blissful moment shattered by the sound of screams echoing through the night. The air crackled with tension as shadowy figures emerged from the darkness, their movements swift and deadly.

"What's happening?" Tara gasped, her grip tightening on Eliot's hand.

"I don't know, but we need to find Peter and James," Eliot replied, his voice tinged with urgency.

As they hurried through the chaos, they encountered scenes of devastation—buildings aflame, villagers fleeing in terror, and dark figures darting through the shadows with lethal precision.

"It's like they're hunting us," Eliot murmured, his brow furrowed in concern.

"We have to do something," Tara said, her eyes blazing with determination.

But before they could take action, a group of assailants surrounded them, their eyes glinting with malice.

"Looks like we've got ourselves some fresh meat," one of them sneered, brandishing a wicked-looking blade.

Eliot's heart raced as he faced their adversaries, knowing that their powers far surpassed anything they had ever encountered before. But he refused to back down, standing tall beside Tara as they prepared to defend their home and their loved ones.

The attackers moved in, their movements like a deadly dance. Eliot felt scared but focused on fighting back.

One attacker tried to strike Eliot, but he dodged it skillfully.

Tara used her power to push an attacker away, but more enemies kept coming.

"We can't keep this up," Eliot said, breathing hard.

Tara agreed and suggested finding their friends, Peter and James, for help.

With determination, Eliot and Tara fought through the chaos, helping villagers along the way.

"We have to keep going," Eliot said, staying strong.

Tara nodded, and they continued together, ready to face whatever dangers lay ahead.

The village erupted into chaos as the attackers descended upon them, their sinister presence casting chaos on the once peaceful streets. Eliot's heart pounded with a mixture of fear and desperation as he struggled to summon his divine aura, but no matter how much he tried, the power remained stubbornly out of reach.

With a sinking feeling in his chest, Eliot watched helplessly as Tara was cornered by two of the assailants, their black masks as pale as the moonlight.

He tried to reach her, to break free from the grip of the assailants, but it was no use. He was powerless to save her. "Tara, please! i beg" Eliot cried out, his voice raw with anguish as he saw the terror in her eyes.

"Please, I'll do anything, just let her go!" But his pleas fell on deaf ears as one of the assassins stab a blade into Tara's womb, causing her to cry out in agony.

Eliot's screams of rage echoed through the night as he watched in horror, tears streaming down his face. "Tara! NO SHE WAS PREGNANT LET HER GO" he screamed, his voice cracking with grief as the assassin delivered the final blow, snapping her neck with a sickening crack.

Eliot's world shattered in that moment, he froze completely staring into Tara's lifeless body as it laid their staining the ground with blood.

Eliot starts getting back into his senses trying to break free of the assailants grip on him , when Peter , and James's bodies are thrown right in front of him lifeless , cut open.

"...no this can't be happening no" Eliot repeats this over and over again before having a complete mental breakdown knowing he can not do anything about it in that very moment.

"I won't let their deaths be in vain," he vows, his voice trembling with emotion. "I'll make those responsible pay for what they've done."

One of the assailants emerges from the shadows, their presence commanding attention. With a excited voice tone, they deliver the chilling news to their comrades.

"We've done it," the assailant declares, their voice dripping with childish excitement. "The village is in shambles. Only a handful of survivors remain, no more than a hundred or so."

Their words hang heavy in the air, with a twisted sense of satisfaction. "And that's not all," they continue, their tone of excitement widening. "We've confirmed at least a hundred kills. A job well done, wouldn't you say?"

The other assailants nod in agreement, their faces masked by expressions of cruel amusement. The magnitude of their destruction fuels their arrogance, one of the assailants does a mysterious hand sign to the rest and just like the all of them vanish into the pale bloody moonlight , as Eliot is left there all alone with the dead bodies of his once called best mates, his to be wife and unborn child.