
The Godlike Liar

Nineteen-year-old Eliot Grayson, facing a terminal illness, wishes only to experience life to its fullest in his remaining months. But a bizarre twist of fate , a lightning strike through his window, whisks him away to a mystical world reminiscent of the medieval times, where supernatural powers are the norm, and the extraordinary is everyday. Miraculously cured and physically transformed, Eliot finds himself without powers in a world where magic reigns.

KingDiazie · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Nation Revera

Chapter 22

As Eliot walked through the bustling streets of Revera, he couldn't help but feel astonished at the looks of the city. Towering buildings stretched up into the sky, their intricate architecture a testament to the wealth and power of the nation. The air was alive with the hum of activity, merchants hawking their wares and people going about their daily lives.

Suddenly, a figure stepped out from the shadows, blocking Eliot's path. The person was clad in the uniform of the city guard, their expression stern and unreadable.

"State your business," the guard demanded, their voice firm.

Eliot paused, taken back by the boldness of the question. "I'm Eliot," he replied, trying to keep his tone even. "I've come to find someone."

The guard arched an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. "And who, exactly, are you looking for?" they asked, their gaze piercing.

Before Eliot could respond, another figure emerged from the crowd. It was Elder Tora, her presence commanding attention even amidst the bustling streets of Revera.

"Apologies for the interruption," Elder Tora said, her voice calm yet authoritative. "This man is with me. He's a guest of the city."

The guard's expression softened slightly as they glanced between Eliot and Elder Tora. "Very well," they said gruffly, stepping aside to allow them to pass. "But keep an eye on him, Elder Tora. We can't afford any trouble."

With a nod of thanks, Eliot followed Elder Tora through the crowded streets, his mind buzzing with questions. He hadn't expected to encounter her here in Revera, but he was grateful for her intervention nonetheless. As they walked, Elder Tora explained that she had sensed Eliot's presence and decided to accompany him on his journey, offering her guidance and support along the way. "That's why you were not present in the last elders meeting?" asks Eliot , Elder Tora , who is in her late 40s with confidence and affirmation replies "I am usually travelling for personal reasons quite often." Eliot smiles yet with another question , "How are the elders from our village known here?" , "Oh Eliot all elders from every nation and village are known no matter the size or money , thats just how the order of things work." she emphasises. Eliot's doubts cleared.

Together, they made their way through the city, Eliot's eyes wide with wonder at the sights and sounds of Revera. He knew that his quest to find potential candidates for the Tenjo would not be easy, but with Elder Tora by his side, he felt more confident than ever before. And as they disappeared into the bustling streets of Revera, Eliot knew that his journey had only just begun.

As Eliot and Elder Tora approached the temple, they were greeted by the sight of monks moving about their daily rituals. The air was filled with the scent of incense, and the sound of chanting echoed through the halls.

"Welcome, travelers," one of the monks said, offering a bow of respect. "Please, come and join us for our daily offering of food."

Eliot and Elder Tora followed the monk into the temple, where a large gathering of people had already assembled. The monks moved gracefully among the crowd, distributing bowls of steaming rice and vegetables to each person in turn.

"This is incredible," Eliot remarked, his eyes scanning the bustling scene before him. "I've never seen anything like it."

"It's a testament to the generosity of the monks," Elder Tora replied, her tone filled with admiration. "They believe in serving others selflessly, regardless of their station in life."

As they sat down to eat, Eliot struck up a conversation with one of the monks, eager to learn more about the people of Revera and their customs.

"So, you mentioned that there's someone here with extraordinary powers," Eliot said, his curiosity piqued. "Tell me more about this person."

The monk nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Yes, indeed. His name is Kaito, and he's a master of fire manipulation. It's said that he can control flames with the flick of his wrist, bending them to his will."

"Fire is a powerful element," Elder Tora added, "It can be both beautiful and destructive, depending on how it's wielded."

The monk nodded in agreement. "Exactly. That's why Kaito's abilities are so impressive. He's spent years honing his craft, pushing the boundaries of what's possible with fire manipulation."

Eliot listened intently, his mind racing with possibilities. If Kaito truly possessed such incredible powers, he would be the perfect candidate to lead one of the divisions of the Tenjo.

"Thank you for sharing this information with us," Eliot said, offering a respectful bow to the monk. "I believe we may have found our candidate."

With newfound determination, Eliot and Elder Tora finished their meal and prepared to seek out Kaito, eager to see if he would be willing to join their cause.

This Chapter Marks , New Things , New Life.

Thank You For Showing The Godlike Liar Lots Of Love <3

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