

When I woke upp I was already in this tank full of liquids, surrounded by a strange alien species. The aliens that I would later remember to be the caminoans from Star Wars. When I realized this I suddenly jolted and started to shriek they were terminating my body. Aperantly I was one of the phase two clones breed for the grand army of the republic. But I was defectiv not having a functioning consince. And the caminoans were known for there ruthless perfection when It came to experiments. It was at that moment I realized. God system unlocked killing every Living organism on this planet except host.

A day earlier

come on say something you trash. Clone comando ss553

As usual I was singeld out for there bullying. Witch was nothing new but today I had enough. So I snapped. I punched my own commanding officer in the face. Witch led to my current situation.

Answer the question the judge asked you. Did you hit your commanding officer. Clone commando ss553

Yes I did hit my commanding officer sir.

Really Isent that interesting. Clones are not suppose to have that kind of free will you should always follow your superiors order.

Yes to lick the latrines, fuck off.

I did not give such an order, you hit me for no reason. Officer oo38

No you gave me the order to lick latrines you fuc.

Enough! It dosent Matter if you were order to lick the latrines you still attacked you superior. Witch is a death sentence for the fresh batches of clones. Jury member.

Silence in the hall! I here by order for clone bm08 to be executed via disintegration. Tomorrow. Take him to the disintegration tank. Judge