
The God of Lightning

Scott Mills lives in a village on the edge of the kingdom of Prinnesia, but when he turns 16 he is forced to move to the academy of magic in the capital city of Sliphario, where he will find out what kind of element his body will be most predisposed to. However, one day Scott will come across an ancient book, most likely from the Dark Age (500 years before), and little does he know that this event will awaken what had been locked away for centuries.

Simone_7183 · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Scott Mills

Today I was awakened by a very good smell coming from the kitchen, in fact on my birthday my mother Marisel used to make me for breakfast a chocolate cake and pull my ears for the number of years accomplished, while dad always told me the usual story of the day I was born.

It was a beautiful day with a clear sky, until my mother went into labor and the sky began to fill with very threatening clouds, so much that when I was born lightning at the same time struck the pine tree in our garden. So my dad has this theory in his mind, that according to him I will have a great affinity with lighting-type magic.

And mom every time she fists him in the head to make him stop, in a joking way.

<<but we hope that our son will at least be predisposed to a basic element, given situation>>

<<Yes you are right Marisel>>.

In fact my father learned the art of the sword, given his lack of mana, while my mother has a very small amount and was predisposed to life magic, but because of such a low amount of mana she could only heal superficial wounds. So basically I don't have much hope, which is why from the age of 8 I started to train constantly, every day, on the art of swordsmanship, managing to master it very well and hold my own against my dad, who managed to reach level 7 on a scale that goes up to 10 and for those who manage to surpass it are called "Sword Legends".

<< Let's have another fight this afternoon, and as a gift I'll tell you what level you've reached Scott>>

<<Finally! I can't wait to defeat you once and for all dad, haha>>.

And my dad left the house with a tear in his eyes.

Shortly thereafter came my best friend <<Hi 16 Scott, you are finally too, I can't wait at the end of this summer to go academy and become a wizard>>

<<Yes Taylor we are going, but relax. Don't you have some anxiety about leaving the village?>>

<<Of course I do, also because we would have to cross the whole kingdom by ourselves since are only 16-year-olds in this hole. Ah, got you a present>>

<<thank you very much even though didn't have to>>

I opened it and found a freshly forged sword of pure metal, it was really shining and I was complitely open-mouthed.

<<Close 9 that mouth you can get bugs in ahaha, I hope will become at least a level so brag about it>> and made a smile.

<<Then I will have to exceed your expectations and become a Legend>>

<<Promise >>. And then he left.

When the time came for the confrontation with my father Konnor, I headed to the garden where the tree was located, since they had decided to keep it as a good omen. 

<<Oh there you are at least, I thought would never come again from fear>> said Konnor.

<<Ah but please, now I'll show you how to fight>> I exclaimed playfully.

I stood in front of my father holding my sword tightly with both hands. Two seconds of pure study pass to see who will make the first move, Konnor is sturdy and taller than me, so I must use my agility to be able to surprise him.

The first move was made by Konnor and he immediately tries a horizontal slash, but I managed to deflect it with my sword, so I immediately attempted a lunge, but my father managed to foresee it and back off.

<<Not bad, I see you can use that head>>

<<Continue to fight>>.

So I decided to immediately throw myself at him, but it was a wrong move, because Konnor didn't think twice and decided to charge me as well. In this situation I didn't know what to do so I tried to hit him with a diagonal slash starting from the bottom to the top, but my dad dodged it without any problem and used the opportunity to hit me in the torso and make me fall to the ground in pain, pointing his sword at my throat.

<<You missed right at the end, you should have somersaulted, passed behind me and hit in back afterwards, not bad though>>.

<<But that is not fair!>> I muttered.

<<Son, in the battlefield there is no room for fairness, only survival. So see that you don't get fooled, but always think of your opponent's weak point>>.

<<Go well. You'll see that I won't let myself be fooled again. What level am anyway?>> I asked my dad.

<<I 4 5 tell you that have quietly mastered level and are just short of need to be a little more clear-headed in your choices>>

<<Not bad, now all i can do is keep growing>>.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. This is my first story and I hope you can enjoy it.

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