
Far away from home

Unknown Planet:

A distortion in space caused chaos in an uninhabited area of the planet. Mountains, forests, and lakes were destroyed by the shockwaves which lasted for only a few minutes. All animals had already left the area when this phenomenon started and the only living thing still there was a tall man on the ground. He was unconscious, covered in wounds with his clothes ripped to pieces. Over time the distortion became weaker until the natural peace and silence returned. A few figures arrived at the scene when danger subsided. They examined the damage done and found the man, identified him as a Saiyan and took him to a hospital. Doctors and nurses treated his wounds and some others wanted to confirm his identity. A young man with black hair tied in a ponytail and a short chin beard sat next to the bed. He had a thoughtful expression on his face not sure about what to make of this situation. A man, clearly a Saiyan, was found where a natural disaster had taken place before but he wasn´t registered in their database nor did he wear the usual armor of the Saiyans.

'I can only wait for him to wake up and ask him. There is no other way. Hopefully, he´s not an enemy', the young man thought. The door to the ward opened, revealing a little girl with spiky black hair in loose trousers and a red T-shirt. She ran to the young man," Big Brother, mum said that you should come home for dinner today. You worked too much recently. Don´t be late!", she said and quickly left the room without giving him a chance to reply.

He sighed and returned his focus to the man on the bed who was very tall for a Saiyan with a body formed through hard work. His skin had a light tan, his face was softer than other´s and contributed to his nearly unnatural handsomeness, like some kind of model. The body suddenly moved.

"Mhhhm, fuck me", the man on the bed whispered as he opened his eyes. He saw white walls and noticed a beeping sound to his side. Turning his head to the left he saw a black-haired man sitting on a chair.

"How are you? We found you injured in the wilderness," the young man asked.

"I´m ok, I guess", the injured man had to cough," Can you tell me where I am, please?"

"That´s good. You are currently in Planet Sadala`s Capital hospital. I found you with my colleagues and brought you here for treatment", he suddenly remembered something," Before I forget it, my name is Renso, the new captain of the Sadala Defense Forces. We found nothing about your identity so may I ask what your name is?"

The injured man froze.

'Renso? Planet Sadala? it´s the same as Universe 6´s Saiyan Planet', he thought with a bad premonition.

A few seconds later he calmed down," My name is Lucian. The last thing I remember is that I was in an explosion before waking up here but that was definitely not on this planet. I was never here before that´s why you can´t find anything about my identity."

Renso was astonished. A Saiyan who was never on the planet of Saiyans sat in front of him.

"Would you mind giving me a small red bag from my belongings?", Lucian asked.

Renso snapped back to reality," I think I saw that before. Wait a moment."

He stood up and walked to a nearby table, took the small bag and gave it to Lucian. He wasn´t worried about the other´s intentions anymore after talking to him. Lucian accepted it and grabbed a capsule which he opened. A senzu bean appeared, he ate it and all of his injuries vanished in the blink of an eye. Renso´s eyes became as big as saucers at the supernatural event happening in front of him.

"Good, now that I´m healed we can talk some more", the tall Saiyan casually said.

"Well, ok. Then can you tell me where you are from? You are definitely a Saiyan as far as I can tell, right?", Renso asked.

Lucian took a deep breath," It might sound impossible but I am not from this universe. In my universe, only 3 full-blooded Saiyans survived the destruction of the planet, including me.

This time it was Renso who froze. It took some time for him to come back to reality," Wait, there are other Universes out there? Are you telling the truth?"

"I am. I already knew about Saiyans in another Universe but I didn´t expect to actually meet them", Lucian paused for a moment," Would you mind introducing me to your planet?"

"Yes, I can do that but in return, you have to tell me about your´s too," the Captain said and went outside after Lucian was dressed. They talked a lot and both were astonished at the vastly different development that could occurr because they were in different Universes. After some time another Saiyan in armor met them and talked to Renso in private for a moment. Two minutes later he came back with a confused expression.

"Lucian, I want to ask something more personal. Do you have parents in your universe?"

The tall Saiyan was confused," No, I don´t. I actually don´t remember anything before I was four years old."

Renso nodded at that as though he confirmed something," When we wanted to confirm your identity, the doctors took some of your blood for some tests," he paused for a moment to see a slightly confused look on the latter´s face," And as it appears we found a match with another person here on the planet."

Lucian´s heartbeat began to accelerate. Could this be possible?

"Do you mean that I am actually from this planet and somehow landed in another Universe only to come back now?", he asked in a low voice.

"Well, the tests say that you have a little sister. Her parents died two years ago as they attacked by space pirates and from the database I also know that they gave birth to another child 25 years ago which went missing at the age of 4. It doesn´t appear too far-fetched now, or does it?"

It was like he had a revelation,'So the space pot I landed in on earth and the Saiyan armor I wore were from this planet? The scouter, too. Why did I have to destroy them? Universe 6 and 7 are twin Universes so even the planets should be at the same coordinates, right? That explains why I was able to confirm my location and time', he calculated.

Renso just watched the many different expressions Lucian went through. Then he finally spoke," I assume you have an idea as to how you landed in another Universe, am I right?"

Lucian turned his attention back to Renso," Yes, I do. That actually explains a lot of things especially my birth date because Planet Vegeta was destroyed a few years before. It makes so much sense! How couldn´t I have thought of that?"

Renso shook his head with a smile," Who would think of something like that. But that reminds me of something else. You said that you were in an explosion. What happened?"

"My home was attacked by Androids and I had the job of finding their as their energy was undetectable. I took all of the hard drives I could find and destroyed a creature which was able to reform from a single cell. But when I had finished the laboratory self-destructed and I used my power to protect myself. My assumption is that because of the large amount of energy and something in the base, space distorted and I was sucked in", the tall man deduced.

"Sorry to hear that. Your companions must have a lot of trouble now that you are here. How strong were those Androids?", Renso asked.

"I don´t know how to properly explain this to you. how about you release your energy and I tell you how you compare to them?", Lucian offered.

"That´s fine with me. Let´s go to an arena. If I did that on the streets it would ruin the tranquility."

The two Saiyans walked down the streets and then outside the city. A big colosseum emerged in behind a thick forest with of a football stadium. Once inside, the Sadala Defense Force Captain powered up to his maximum strength. Only King Sadala, ruler of the Saiyans was able to compare to Renso´s strength. A shockwave radiated from the smaller Saiyan but Lucian was very calm, just examining his counterparts strength. When Renso had completely powered up Lucian read his battle power. It was around 16.500.000. In Universe 7 not many beings had such strength especially considering that Lucian only had a base strength 9.700.000 when he fought Cooler.

Renso had a proud look on his face and said," What do you think? I trained very hard over the last years to achieve this."

Lucian grinned," Your strength is quite impressive. I only know a handful of people that are as strong or stronger than you. You definitely deserve to be the Captain of the Defense Force but the Androids on my planet are stronger."

A serious expression spread across Renso´s face," When you say that they are stronger than me, how much stronger exactly?"

"Two of them are around 50 times stronger than you and two others around 100 times, I´d say", Lucian answered offhandedly.

This nearly gave the Saiyan with the ponytail a heart attack," Are you serious? That´s unbelievable!"

"Yes, I´m serious. Otherwise, they wouldn´t pose a threat to my planet. Do you want to measure my strength, too?"

Renso immediately agreed. Lucian stood calmly as much stronger shockwave than before radiated out. Renso had a lot of trouble standing still. When he finished he said," This is my full strength in my base form. Now I will show you my transformation."

His hair turned golded and his eyes teal while his strength multiplied due to going Super Saiyan.

The smaller Saiyan flew backward but fortunately found a pole to hold onto.

'What is madness? How can someone be this strong?', he thought in fear.

Lucian let the ki dissipate to Renso´s relief.

"Wow, that was incredible but what did you do just now? I never heard about a Saiyan transforming", he said in awe.

"That´s the Super Saiyan transformation. In theory, every Saiyan can learn it but you need a strong base power as to not destroy your body. You can learn it if you want to."

The Saiyan was very happy to hear that, "I would love to! This would help our planet immensely!"

"Fine, I will teach you tomorrow. I have to think of a plan to return to my Universe soon. And you mentioned I had a sister. Can I meet her?", Lucian said.

"Yes, you can meet her. She was actually adopted by my family because her parents were friends with mine. You can stay at our home for the time being."

Lucian was thankful to hear him say that," Then I will accept your invitation. It´s also good to hear that you took care of my sister and although I don´t know her yet, you have my gratitude."

Soon they entered a house in the midst of the city.

"Mom, I am back. I brought someone with me for dinner if you don´t mind!", Renso shouted. In the blink of an eye, a short and beautiful female Saiyan ran down the stairs," My boy has finally come for dinner, I can´t believe it!", she then noticed the extremely tall and handsome young man behind her son," Oh, and who might our guest be? I didn´t know you had such a handsome friend! My name is Koshou, by the way. it is nice to meet you."

Lucian liked how motherly the woman appeared," My name is Lucian. Renso here actually helped after I was in an accident and invited me to dinner."

Renso then went forward and explained to his mother about Lucian some more. When she heard that the handsome man was the long-lost child of her deceased friends tears ran down her cheeks and she went forward to hug him.

"You, you are actually Parsley´s and Sproute´s son, my Godson! I can´t believe it! I actually held you after you were born", she looked up to him and touched his right cheek," You were so small back then and now I barely reach your chest. And to think you were so strong, too. They would be very proud of you."

Lucian hugged his Godmother for a moment before he asked about his sister," Renso told me that my Sister was adopted by you. Can I meet her?"

Koshou was very excited as well, "Of course you can! She and my daughter went out with my husband but they should be back soon."

Koshou went back to the kitchen to prepare dinner and Renso sat down with Lucian for conversation. The door swung open shortly thereafter," Mom, we're back. When is dinner ready?", the little girl shouted and ran straight to the kitchen. An average sized middle aged man with black spiky hair and a small scar on his cheek, dressed in casual clothes and another small girl with less spiky hair in a summer dress entered later. Koshou and her daughter walked out of the kitchen to her husband to introduce Lucian," Daikon, you wouldn´t believe who our son brought over," Koshou pushed her family into the living room," This is Lucian, the son of Parsley and Sproute. Renso found him after he crashed here on the planet."

Daikon froze and looked him over, then started nodding," I can definitely see the similarities. You look a lot like your mother in the face but you are much taller than both of them," he pushed the first little girl in front of him," This is my daughter Caulifla. She´s very active and wants to be the strongest fighter on the planet later on."

Caulifla had a huge grin on her face," So you are Aunty´s and uncle´s son! You are sooooo huge! Are you stronger than my Big brother?", she asked with a lot of enthusiasm.

Lucian petted her head with a smile," If you want to I will show you how strong I am tomorrow, ok?"

Caulifla beamed and then nodded.

Koshou then introduced the other little girl who hid behind her," Lucian, this is your little sister, Kale. She is 5 years old now, a year younger than Caulifla."

Lucian kneeled down on one knee to get a better look at her and appear less intimidating.

'So my sister is Kale, the Legendary Super Saiyan of Universe 6. I like that a lot. I always wanted a bigger family and to be actually related to someone by blood other than my daughter is wonderful', he thought happily.

Kale glanced at him from time to time," Uhm, you are my Big Brother?", she whispered shyly.

"I sure am, Kale. I am very happy to meet you!", he smiled at her gently.

She walked over to him, even while kneeling down he was much taller than her. Then he petted her head gently and she started to hug him with a big smile. They then went to the dinner table and ate some food. They talked about how he lived in another Universe and about what he experienced over the years. Koshou was mostly interested in one particular topic.

"Lucian, have you already met a nice girl over there? Otherwise, I can introduce you to some nice Saiyan girls!"

The corner of his lips curled upward," I have. Her name is Bulma and she is a scientist. We´ve been dating for 4 years and already have a daughter who is one and a half years old now. We will be marrying in around a month."

"That´s wonderful! I´d love to meet them sometime!", Koshou cried out happily.

"No problem, but I have to find a way back first. I already have a few ideas on how to achieve that though. The problem is to actually do it", he sighed.

"You will definitely find a way. I believe your friends will handle the Androids just fine for now so don´t push yourself too hard", Daikon said.

"I hope so, according to Lucian´s estimation of their power they are extremely powerful, way stronger than I am. I never imagined such insanely strong people as Lucian to exist in the first place but to have a few of them attacking you at the same time, oh man", Renso sighed.

"Big Brother, is Big Bro Lucian really that much stronger than you? I thought only the King and Dad could fight you!", Caulifla asked with some doubt. Kale was interested, too, when she heard that the Big Brother she just got to know was stronger than anyone on this planet.

Renso had an awe-inspired expression," Cauli, did you feel the energy earlier? That was me and Lucian. I was like a newbie in front of him when he transformed into a Super Saiyan. I have never seen anything like it."

"Super Saiyan?", they asked.

Lucian explained," It turns your hair golden and multiplies your power. In theory, every Saiyan with a high enough power level should be able to unlock it. it is based on strong feelings like anger and then you have to force all of your power into your upper back, forcing your body to transform. It actually has multiple stages. I have mastered the first stage and can somewhat control the second one."

The family was excited by this news. Caulifla in particular," Please show it to me, Big Bro. Please! Please! Please!"

The little 6-year-old girl ran up to Lucian pulling his arm towards the door.

"Cauli, don´t force yourself on Lucian", Koshou scolded her daughter.

Kale actually agreed with her adopted sister silently," I would like to see it, too."

"Well, since my cute little sisters want to see it now I will show it to you, let´s go!", Lucian lifted Caulifla and Kale.

"Fine, we will follow you, I actually want to see it as well", Daikon said.

"Let´s go then. I will clear the table later", Koshou agreed.

The family flew to the same Arena, Lucian gave the little girls to the adults for their protection, stepped on the platform preparing himself while giving them a smile.

"I will start now", he said.

He powered up normally which already astonished the spectators, then transformed.

"This is the Super Saiyan transformation, it multiplies my power by 50 times."

They already had trouble standing in place. Caulifla stared at his new form with a serious look. This was her opportunity to surpass everyone else in the future. Kale was visibly excited to have such a strong brother, lifting her confidence somewhat.

"Now I will transform once more. Be careful."

The ground started shaking this time nearly resulting in an earthquake. Sparks flew in the air indicating Super Saiyan 2. Renso, Daikon, and Koshou used all of their power to not get blown away. Lucian only kept this form on shortly as he did not want to destroy anything. Back in his base form, he gave another explanation," In order to achieve higher transformations and keep them up you have to train your base form as much as possible. This will give much better results than training as Super Saiyan unless you go all out for a spar with someone else to control the higher amount of energy you generate."

"When can I learn it?", Caulifla asked in anticipation.

Lucian thought for a moment," You should be ready when you are just below Renso´s current strength. Basically, you can try it earlier but I wouldn´t recommend it."

Her excitement dimmed," That will take so long!"

Lucian went over, stroked her´s and Kale´s hair then said in a gentle tone," Take your time, girls, if you rush to power your foundation will be unstable ending in your dream of becoming the strongest crumbling. Learn to control your ki as well as possible, with that you will have an easier time the further you go, trust me."

Caulifla´s respect for her new Big brother rose even more from before as did Kale´s, both enjoyed him stroking their heads even if Caulifla tried to deny it.

Back in the house, Koshou showed him his room for the time, he lay down on the bed and made plans on how to go back.

`I will definitely don't want to back the same way I came here. One possibility is to somehow get the Supreme Kai's attention and ask him to transport me back. The only other method I can think of is to have Vados help me out but she is with her God of Destruction for sure. This sucks!', he thought before he went to sleep.

Kept his promise and taught Renso how to transform over the next days with small accomplishments. He was not as talented as Caulifla, Kale and Cabba were shown but it was quite impressive nonetheless. On the fourth day, he finally did it, transforming into Super Saiyan as the first Saiyan in Universe 6. Lucian had a spare gravity room in one of his capsules and gave it to Renso for his training. Caulifla was the most excited to have another method for becoming stronger which resulted in her hugging the life out of Lucian. Kale was also satisfied to spend some time with her brother, they became closer over the days by spending time with each other and Lucian helping her to have some more confidence in herself. It was on the seventh day that an alarm rung out in the city.

„Please stay inside your houses! A group of space pirates attacked the planet, the Defense Force is already on their way to reprehend them but utmost caution is still required!", a voice spoke through speakers all over the city.

Lucian sat with Caulifla, Kale, and Koshou on the couch when they heard the alarm. Koshou was clearly worried," I hope everything goes well. The last time this happened many people lost their lives in the city they attacked."

Lucian calmed her down," Don't worry too much, Godmother, Renso will be able to handle them quickly now that he is a Super Saiyan. Even though he can't control too well yet, it is definitely enough for any foe out there. If you want to I will go there and help out. What do you think?"

Koshou smiled at her Godson," Yes, please help them out! The fewer casualties we have the better."

He instantly vanished through Instant Transmission he learned from King Kai after hearing that the Kai knew it all along and never told anyone. He previously locked onto Renso's Ki signature and appeared next to him now. Renso and his squadron engaged a group of armored aliens in battle, Renso fought with the strongest of the bunch in his base form, Lucian, on the other hand, found another pirate hiding nearby with his light sense. The guy had managed to mask his Ki completely and no one had an idea he was there. Then he attacked. Just when Renso got pushed back and prepared to go Super Saiyan, the alien sneak attacked Renso with a Ki blade. Renso could only watch in shock as the enemy swung his Ki covered hand towards his neck. Then it stopped. Another hand grabbed the wrist holding it in place for everyone to see. A very tall Saiyan dressed in sweatpants and T-Shirt holding a cup of coffee in his left hand held the wrist of the assassin casually in a vice grip. Everyone was astonished. He took a sip of life elixir and said," Renso, you should be more aware of your surroundings when you fight. Don't hold back next time and just decimate the enemies faster", he then faced the other fighters with a slight smile," Saiyans step behind me, I will handle the rest now!"

The Saiyans didn't hesitate and followed his orders because their Captain agreed with him. Once everyone was in position Lucian tossed the enemy in his grip gently into the air, transformed, held his hand out and fired the strongest Ki Blast any of them had ever seen at him. A blue and yellow blast with the diameter of ten meters annihilated the assassin thoroughly. The spectators fell to their knees except for Renso. Lucian just took another sip of coffee as he eyed the space pirates," It was quite a bad idea to attack Planet Sadala when I'm there. You should just give up and let the others arrest you but I can also send you to the Other World if you want to meet your comrade."

They immediately surrendered. Renso walked up to Lucian who drank his coffee," Thanks for that. I thought I was about to die!"

„No problem. Just follow my advice next time. I will go back now, see you later!", then he vanished.

A soldier who had not lost his sanity asked his Captain absentmindedly," Excuse me, Captain, but who exactly was that? I have never heard of such a strong person."

Renso sighed in exhaustion," His name is Lucian and you could consider him my adopted brother. He disappeared 20 years ago and just found his way back. He also instructed me over the last days. Have you felt the huge power spike a week ago and the earthquake near the Capital?", everyone nodded," They were caused by him when he showed us his power. You saw his blonde hair, right? That´s the Super Saiyan transformation he showed us. In a few days, I will hold a conference with the King to publish this information."

The soldiers were silent.

Lucian had already returned to the house where a little girl immediately clung to his arm, "Big Bro, did you shoot this incredibly big Ki Blast?", Caulifla yelled.

„You're right. I intimidated the enemies and they surrendered.", he said and sat back down on the couch.

„Thank you for helping them! I will bring you some cake.", Koshou said leaving for the kitchen.

Lucian is too OP for Universe 6 at the moment, isn't he? There is only a time ability user who could stop him.

LordNumpfcreators' thoughts