
5.04.3 I wish for its end.

There have been many rebel groups that have existed in Cynark, but rarely they are ever able to produce any notable results. Usually, all these rebels and revolutionaries die in their crib, unable to grow or spread, nor holding any staying power in the public conscience which might have inspired others to take arms, because their existence has always been hidden from the public eyes.

This was understandable considering the ones who were enjoying the status quo also held immense power individually, and due to such a power dynamic, no matter how large a rebel group grows, it would be nothing more than annoyance on the part of nobles. To them, sending a small elite unit to dismantle these people is usually enough.

And the same case would have happened with the Freemen Alliance, which started as a small collective of victims from Planc Colony, who were able to escape their oppressors by following a certain being's will.