
The God of Jesters

Come here folks, let me tell you a wondrous story about a bizarre world. A world with two moons and three suns. A world where death is never the end and birth is just the beginning of misery. A world filled with stories of love, war, and betrayal. A world where the gods are bored of the mundane as much as you. And then there is I, the maestro of this bizarre world that exists solely to entertain you. So follow me and enjoy the misery as much as I do. ***** A mentally ill man who only finds the meaning of life in twisted entertainment stumbles upon the supernatural world. A world full of chaos, and entities that can cause one to go mad. But what if you are mad to begin with. Let’s watch our Jester as he crafts entire plays to entertain an audience that only exists in his head. #delusional-protag #evil-protag #mischivious-protag #tragedy #multiple-povs #curses #horror #lovecraftian #hidden-world #narrator #magic #infinity-novel

GoGo · ホラー
509 Chs

2.26.1 Dyadic Moon

In front of the academies, there was nothing beside destruction left.

This was the fight of mages against the machines. Knowledge of arcana against the knowledge of science.

And the one that won at the end was science.

"Stop it, we give up!!" Holfaraz, the tower master of Arcana, was the first one to accept his defeat. Although he remained unscathed, the same can't be said about other mages that were below him as well as the countless buildings that were shelled to oblivion.

The losses broke his heart and caused immense anger to bubble up in his heart. But being a mage was being a creature of reason and pragmatism. One should know when to accept defeat.

Not to mention, their enemy brought too much firepower with them and their attack range was far higher than mages as well. So the moment the shield that protected the campus was brought down. So were the mages that were ready to fight, who were suddenly pelted with a nonstop shower of bullets.