
The god of Chaos and Slaughter

As the war was about to begin, a young man prayed silently to his god. "I pray to the god worthy of heaven and earth, the chaos that disrupts reality, the slaughterer of life and death." A smile crept on his face because he knew, his lord would soon descend and slaughter humans and gods alike. . This tale started long ago, at the birth of this powerful god.

King_Solomon_II · ファンタジー
13 Chs


In a desolate plain, the sound of a trumpet suddenly resounded.

With that, footsteps shook the land, as if thousands of creatures were beginning a march.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" Many voices chanted the words as they filled the air with bloodlust.

Soon, an army that consisted of thousands of men slowly marched forward towards another army that comprised of a mere 500.

The bigger army was clad in silver armors that protected their vitals, while as the smaller army wore crimson red pieces of metal that did the same for them.

Each army held blades and other weapons in their hands, however it was clear which army would emerge victorious after the battle was over.

"General Gnell, there are too many of them. They out-number us by almost a 1000 men. If we fight, we will definitely lose." Amidst the cries of 'Kill', a young man hurriedly walked up to the general of the 'red-armoured' army and said with a dire expression on his face.

The general who was a middle-aged man with black hair, a stern face with a few scars covering it, turned to look at the young soldier.

"Reinforcements will take another 2 hours to arrive. We won't be able to hold on for that long, what should we do general?" The same young man asked, his voice filled with despair.

"Tatchima, have you no faith in your brothers in arms? How could you lose faith just yet? Have we fought to our dying breaths? Only when we have given it our all can death finally claim us. Do you understand!?" The general Gnell said with a calm voice sensing the doubts in his subordinate's voice.

Tatchima lowered his head as he heard the answer. The general's words were indeed pleasing to his ears, but they were not enough to change the current situation in their favour.

"I understand general!" While gritting his teeth, he answered back to Gnell.

Gnell just stood rooted infront of his soldiers as he calmly observed the opposing army which was preparing for a slaughter.

"Sigh~" He let out a long sigh. Even though he had so-bravely answered to his solider and given him a few words of encouragement, it was just a facade. What would they do if they found out their leader had already given up hope? They would probably flee from the battlefield in despair.

'The best chance we have is if we can stall for time. Only with the back-up of reinforcements can we take these mongrels down. But they know better, they definitely won't delay much longer. Any minute now, our fates will be sealed!' General Gnell thought.

Soon, a smile spread over his face. This smile wasn't one of joy but of self-depreciation and pity.

He felt shameful, not because he was going to die, but because he was about to lead hundreds of men to their deaths.

"SOLDIERS! LET US GIVE THEM HELL!" Gnell let out a battle-cry as he said those words loud enough for everyone in his army to hear.

"YEAH!!!!" All five-hundred of the soldiers roared the words as their spirits were filled to the brim with determination and vigour.

These soldiers knew their death was coming yet many of them still refused to acknowledge it. They had their families waiting for them at their homes, they were going to get back to them, that was the only thought left in their heads.

"CHARGE!!!" General Gnell ordered as he too ran towards the silver armored army.

This was their last stand, it was better to attack them then wait for them to attack. If he waited, his soldiers would slowly be crushed under the pressure and it would be a one-sided massacre from that point onwards.

As the silver armored army saw the approaching army, a few of them displayed mocking smiles.

"Look at these Verdian bastards, charging straight at their deaths. Massacre all of them, spare none!" The general of the silver-armoured army mocked with a smile and then commanded his soldiers.

Soon, the silver-armoured army also marched forward, their numbers were however more than double of the 'red-armoured' army.

The ground shook under the march of these two armies, dust rose to the sky.

Just as the two armies were about to clash under the blue sky as the witness...


Suddenly, a loud boom was heard. A shockwave spread across the battlefield, causing all soldiers present to halt in their tracks.

Dust rose to the sky, obstructing the the view of both armies, preventing them from seeing each other as well as the middle of the warzone.

"What is that?" One of the soliders broke the silence that was beginning to set in.

"I don't see anything."

"Look closely, there definitely is something there."

"Wait, I do see a silhouette of something... It looks like a man."

"A man?" General Gnell raised his brow.

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