
The Goblin King [By Storyteller]

This is the story of a woman named Liza Merrisu who die and reincarnated as a nameless baby male goblin. Through trial and hardship, slowly but surely Liza becomes stronger and fights her way becoming the Goblin King. This is a story I wrote on Wattpad, if you want read more or you want to see more art Goblin Liza than my Wattpad name is: StorytellerAnime2021

Sora_Gemini · ファンタジー
35 Chs

Chapter 15: To the lower levels


"You have the ability to change yourself into 'Salamander Mode' whenever you desire and to be also able change to back 'Normal Mode' at will. While in Salamander Mode you are able to use the abilities and skill of a Salamander along with any other fire abilities. Can't use these skills while in Normal Mode."

'Salamander Goblin? Salamander Mode? More like Lizard Mode. Needless to say, I still want to experiment what I am capable of,' Liza smirked, without a second thought Liza ran off to test her new capabilities to the poor unfortunate monster she'll encounter.

"Master! Wait for me!" Scarlett yelled while chasing after Liza from behind.

The two dashed through the labyrinth until they halted at one of the labyrinth edges on the first level. "Master... why are we here?"

Liza turned to Scarlett while showed off an overly confident and cocky grin. "We are going to the lower levels to train,"

Scarlett stare at her small master with a face of confusion. "But Master, aren't we at a far distance from the lower level entrance?"

Liza chuckled in response. "You're right. But tell me, why go the long way when there's a short cut right in front of us?"

"A short cut? But where? All there is but a dead end," Scarlett said while scratching the top of her head.

Liza chuckled again but more humorously. "Ah~ Dear Student of mine. You still have a lots to learn. Everything is never what they seemed,"

After saying those words, Liza pushed over a rock to reveal a large hole in the wall. The hole was actually a secret passage way to the lower levels. Scarlett gazes in amazement as she watches her master slipping into the passage way and Scarlett started following after her.

But when she did, Scarlett then realized there was a piece of knowledge that Liza forgot to tell her. The passage way was actually just an drop leading down to one of the lower levels. Scarlett screamed the whole way down until she was hit by a hash gust of wind that made Scarlett to gently land on her feet onto the ground.

"Scarlett... I welcome you to the Poison Zone!" Liza said.

Scarlett observes her current surroundings. The walls were cover by purple liquid substance, the air above was a smoky green fog, the corners of the labyrinth tunnels grew strange and colorful glowing mushrooms. Scarlett has never been to the lower levels before, so see all of this was unusual yet exciting at the same time.

"Master... this is so amazing!" Scarlett sequel in excitement.

"I know, right?" Liza said while acting smug.

"Master, how did you know about the secret passage?" Scarlett asked.

Liza chuckled. "Oh that? The only reason I know is because you see my tribe were the caretakers of this labyrinth and we would use these passage ways to observe the other lower levels,"


'The truth is that I just found the passage way by pure chance, I had no idea where I was going to begin with. But Scarlett doesn't need to know that,'

"Wow! Is that true Master?! I'm very impressed. You're so amazing!" Scarlett smiles brightly.

"Yeah! of course I am..." Liza stuttered while wiping any visible sweat.

The two journeyed off through the area known as the Poison Zone. Encountering few poisonous toads, poisonous spider, giant wasps and many other poisonous monsters.



'Huh? That took much longer than I thought it would. I thought it would at least take five poisonous toads to raise my resistance. And it also looks like I didn't gained any extra skill, is it because it's a resistance skill?'

"Master, I have gained Poison Immunity," Scarlett said while finishing her giant wasp.

"Same here. After we finish our meal we'll go down the level underneath us and fight the Mother Toad," Liza said.

The Mother Toad, she is mother of all monster toads in the labyrinth. She is also the queen of the Poison Zone and also one of the labyrinth boss monsters. The Mother Toad dwells the level right underneath the Poison Zone called: The Mother's Pond.

If people plans to fight her without having Poison Immunity, they would be long dead by now. It doesn't matter if you have level nine of poison resistance, because the poison that Mother Toad creates will instantly kill you.

Liza and Scarlett may there way to the gate of The Mother's Pond. When they were at the entrance, the smell of poison and death lingered in the air.

"Will this work?" Scarlett stuttered as sense the extreme omission aura from the gate.

"There is only one way to find out," Liza chuckled, feeling a little nostalgic.

Let the boss fight being....