
The Glorious Escape

A teenager is auctioned off to an unknown place to suffer an odd fate. He will be forced to solve various puzzles and fight indescribable creatures.

DaoistJIIvmp · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter 2: Exam Of Strengths


As the door of the box truck slid open, a thunderous bang rippled throughout the air while Derlis squinted his eyes intensely, his face bathed in blinding sunlight. This sunlight brought Derlis a great deal of discomfort as he started to pull at the chain erratically until suddenly nearly automatically the chains snapped open releasing Derlis from his restrictions.

Derlis glanced down his eyes locking on his bruised wrists before he instinctively reached up to gently massage his neck. A barely audible grunt escaped his lips as he cautiously pushed himself off the floor, regaining his balance. Derlis took deliberate steps approaching the rear of the truck before he lept out of the truck sacrificing his body to the scorching hot rays of the sun. Derlis examined the ground, he was standing on dry dirt with pieces of microplastics hidden in the soil, Derlis looked up from the floor and started to observe his surroundings.

Derlis found himself surrounded by vast shabby huts closely bunched together, not giving a single place to breathe. These, huts were made out of feedable wood with most of the posts being stricken with mold. However, even with the feedable wooden frames, the huts stood precariously, reaching multiple stories in height. 

The shingles on the huts were nothing more than discarded pieces of scrap metal, that were crudely nailed onto fragile beams. Even the gentlest outside force would dislodge the shingles, sending them sliding off the roof, revealing their worn-out interiors. As Derlis eyes looked down from the roof, he also noticed a chaotic assortment of dirty towels, hammers, and an array of other tools sparsely scattered on the ground. 

However, even with the signs of a civilization, the huts were deafly quiet, not a single other soul could be seen inside or outside the huts. 

Derlis kept observing the desolate landscape, when out of nowhere a lightning-fast punch violently slammed into his chin with such force that his face twisted, making Derlis stagger back. Derlis quickly wiped his mouth and glanced up to see a tall, lanky figure donning a brown suit and a pristine white mask made out of an assortment of gems.

The figure's hand shook uncontrollably before he grabbed onto his wrist and spoke with an irritated voice.

" Damn, you're a sturdy bastard, aren't you. But stop looking around, and follow me. We need to test your strengths. "

The figure quickly pivoted to the left, starting his stride. He walked over his tire tracks before he stepped on the litter-strewed ground, his mind filled with uncertainty. Derlis decided to trail behind the man, the two walked for what seemed like an eternity until over the horizon of ragged huts, a magnificent structure made out of pure marble reflected in the warm sun. 

The structure was massive the size of your average American mansion, four pillars dawned on the porch of the structure with a set of black stairs leading up two large oak doors. Derlis stared at the building mesmerized by its craftmanship, until the man in front of him scoffed and spoke.

" You better enjoy this place while you, it's the best part of this area. I wish I was still here. "

When he said this, he sounded somber, like he was reflecting on the past. However, Derlis didn't pick up on his tone instead he just stared at his back still confused, the two walked countlessly for minutes until they reached the black wooden stairs of the building. They hurriedly walked up the set of stairs reaching the oak doors. 

The man grabbed onto the bronze handles of the doors before swinging them open in unison letting the sun, pour into the room. Derlis stared slender man's back unable to see inside the room until suddenly a voice spoke. 

" Well, if it isn't Cuji, what do you need? " 

" Your Majesty has ordered me to let a new student enter the Test Of Strengths. "

" Really? But it's already been a week since the trial started. But I guess it's rude to doubt the Majesty's reasoning. "

The voice responding to the slender man was gentle and filled with kindness. Each time the voice spoke, a sense of joy and happiness enveloped the surroundings. Derlis listened to this voice until Cuji sidestepped allowing Derlis to enter the the room. As Derlis stepped inside, he found himself walking on granite tile inside a simple classroom adorning several desks that faced a green chalkboard.

A woman with fiery red hair and captivating black eyes wearing a stylish brown trenchcoat and boot-cut jeans was staring at Derlis with a gentle smile, this smile had the power to melt the hearts of every child around her. But strangely, Derlis remained unmoved, staring at her blankly. 

Seeing this the woman walked towards Derlis, while Cuji walked out of the building gently closing the door behind him. She crouched and grabbed onto Derlis's rough hands before cupping them together and speaking.

" Well, it's nice to meet you. My name is Rebbeca, if it wasn't apparent. I'm going to be your teacher from now on. But I have two questions, what's your name and how were you transported here? "

" Derlis, and a box truck. " 

" Oh, so you were auctioned? That's odd usually, she doesn't allow the auction to be on this level. But you have a pretty name, what planet did you come from, Derlis? "

" Reqis. "

As soon as Derlis said this a surprised look covered Rebecca's face. Without hesitation, she let go of Derlis's hands and softly murmured under her breath.

" Ah, that explains it. "

Rebecca stood back up while stretching, she glanced down at Derlis before speaking. 

" There are four other students present in this classroom but they're currently cleaning some objects right now, they should be back in a few hours but until then. Please take a seat in the very right corner of this room. In that desk. "...

After two drawn-out hours, Rebecca could be seen leaning on the chalkboard reading a book titled " All Promises Reach A Conclusion ". Rebecca's eyes traced down the page, remembering every slight detail of the story until something caught her attention. Looking up, Rebecca found herself staring at Derlis who sat in stillness gazing at his palms, staring at the old scars that marred his skin.

He stared at his palms until Rebecca's voice broke the silence, immediately catching his focus. 

" I heard that the Reqis race was full of barbaric brutes that acted before thinking. However, clearly that stereotype is wrong, you haven't said a single word. Why is that? "

" You have given me no reason to speak, so why should I? "

" Hmph, I guess that is true. So, how about this? I will ask you a philosophical question. What deems an answer to be correct, Righteousness or Power? "

Derlis started to ponder, his mind racing trying to create an answer, as soon as he was about to answer a sudden loud noise emerged.


This sudden creak caught the attention of both Rebecca and Derlis who looked over towards the oak doors watching as several students walked in talking with each other however, their conversations were short-lived as their eyes instantly locked onto Derlis. They glared at him until Rebecca spoke.

" Welcome back, as you can see. We have a new student. So, please welcome Derlis warmly."

The students obediently nodded in agreement before making their way to their desks, resembling a group of synchronized robots. They sat down on the chilly metal desks in unison before their curious gazes darted around the classroom, they exchanged glances not quite sure about Delris. Amidst this, one student stood out from the rest, her unwavering gaze staring directly at Delris.

A young girl with puffy blonde hair and sapphire eyes. She wore a brown and black checker skirt, mirroring the other women in the classroom. While the girls in the class wore skirts, the men wore black suits with white undershirts. The only outliner to the outfits was Delris who store wore a pure white tracksuit. 

Derlis locked eyes with the woman, whose gaze didn't falter. They stared into each other's eyes until suddenly Rebecca spoke.

" Alright, I've been thinking. How about we play icebreakers? Each of you, will ask a question to Delris and answer a question if Delris wants to ask. "

" Tsk, it sounds fine to me. "

Said the blonde woman tapping the metal desk, Rebecca glanced over at her before politely grinning and speaking.

" Hey Sarah, Since you were so focused on Delris how about you ask him a question first? "

" Alright, Delris what planet are you from? "

" Reqis. " 

Debris couldn't help but release a loud audible sigh, clearly frustrated about answering the same question over and over again. In an instant, the student snapped their heads toward him, their faces filled with surprise. However, their attention quickly shifted when a strong voice filled with pride spoke, stemming from a woman with a tan complexion and short black hair, that resembled an ox.

" If you're a part of Reqis's race, then you're the last of your kind? "

Before Delris could answer her question, a man with black hair mixed with red highlights spoke while he leaned back in his chair with his arms tightly crossed.

" Tch, Seriously? That's the best question you could come up with. Obviously, he's the last of his race. Haven't you heard the tales of what unfolded in his world?" 

" No one asked you, David! "

Yelled out the tan woman, standing up from her chair while tightly gripping the edges of her metal desk, David just sneered before Delris spoke in a somber tone.

" I am the last of my race. However, I have a question for you all. Who in here is the most capable? "

This abrupt question made everyone in the class go silent before a loud scoff rippled out and David pointed at his chest cockily grinning, David locked eyes with Delris before speaking.

" When it comes to fighting, I am the best. "

"You're only the best in embarrassing yourself, David. " 

Said Sarah out of nowhere catching David off guard, who quickly snapped his head towards her with an irritated look. Seeing, David's face filled with annoyance the tan woman busted into laughter, holding onto her stomach. The three exchanged intense glances at each other until a young girl, sporting round glasses and vibrant green hair, broke the tension asking Delris a question.

" Since you wanted to ask that question, let me ask you the same. Who in this room seems the most capable to you? "

Without speaking Delris answered her question by simply pointing. However, he wasn't pointing at a student, instead, he was pointing toward Rebecca, who was watching this spectacle unfold with a grin on her face. Rebecca let out a light-hearted chuckle before she spoke while clapping her hands together.

" Now, Now. Let's not get too heated over a simple icebreaker, besides It's reached 12:30 meaning it's time for lunch. Everyone can go to lunch, but I need someone to guide Delris to his dorm. "...