
The Given || Alpha

Gabe felt out of place, being ignored by his only family. But that got even worse, and that took a hit on him. He lost everything even his reputation and his dignity that he never would've imagined he would loose. But after every door closing is a new chapter beginning, he left his family, only to be part of the ones he needed.

yander · ファンタジー
17 Chs

How Did I Get Here?

Of course the first thing I see in school is Reez, the stars aligned for this to happen. I just don't know if I'm in favor of it or against it. As soon as he locked eyes with me, he dashed to me. And I'm not even exaggerating, he literally sped up to get to me. I would get butterflies if I wasn't mad at him in the first place. That was the part that I was so confused in, all my anger dissipated knowing he was concerned about me.

He was all up in my personal space checking if I had some sort of bruise or wound, seeing Harry was behind me, I guess that triggered a reflex. I'm shocked he wasn't scared at all.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? What did he do to you?" He asked in repeatedly.

Harry cleared his throat. "I'm right here." It stunned me how Reez only glared at him through my shoulders.

"It's okay. Go to your room." I ordered Harry, he hesitated at first but I knew he couldn't defy my orders.

I heard him grumble before walking past us. We were still outside when I was attacked by Reez and for a minute I forgot that there were other students around us. I don't know if they had was shock that not only was I unscathed, but I was also walking with said aggressor.

"What happened?" He asked again. His brows furrowed in concern.

"Wow, you're worried. What happened to the guy who called me a freak?" I tried to sound cold, and I guess I'm pretty good at it judging by the remorseful look on his face that I instantly regretted saying that.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean any of that." His voice lowered with every word he spoke.

"I don't get you, Reez. This happened twice now, one minute we're okay, the next we're not."

"I don't intend for me to be like that. I'm sorry." He sounded so small that even I couldn't believe that this was the same guy that used to bully me nonstop.

"It's fine." I sighed. Then I was literally saved by the bell when it rang, telling us to go to our rooms. "I'll see you later." I told him and walked to my first class. I don't know if he was even following but I resisted the urge to look back. Even if his scent was tempting me.

And speaking of, ew. Harry was right. It smells awful with these many collective scents in a small room. It would've been less bad if one person had only one scent associated with them, some had two and some even have a combination of four.

To keep myself away from the distracting smell, I tried to remember how Reez smelled. But then I realized he fondled me earlier. I traced and sniffed some spots of my clothes and there it was. I don't know how to put but it smelled like the first rain after the dry season. It smelled like the pages of a new book. It smelled calming, it was all my favorite things in one.

Harry's was calming, too. Smelling like the summer breeze and the tropical fruits. Although there is one scent mixed in there that was very strong, the smell of alcohol in the middle of the day. Ew.

Shaking off those thoughts, I paid attention to the professor in front of me, groaning when she told me we would have a test tomorrow. I have nothing on me, I'm to ashamed to ask anyone and I would never approach the teacher. With how fast news travels around here, I'm sure they know why I was missing from their class the past few days.

At least if I pay attention to this one, my paper wouldn't be left blank.

I figured my lunch break would be the normal chaotic following my infamous recognition, but this time I guess the drama did in fact die down. Everyone returned to the hustle and bustle of their own lives, leaving everything that happened where it should be, in the past.

However, now I have a big bully sitting in front of me in my usual lonely table. How did my status go from being avoided because i'm a nobody to being avoided because I have the most feared person beside me everywhere I go. And I don't know which is worse, to be honest.

"What are you doing?" I asked once he settled his food tray right across my seat in this circular table.

"Eating?" He answered blandly. I think he sometimes forget that I'm the boss of him that he gets to talk to me like that. But again, I'll let him get away everytime.

"Hey." I heard a familiar voice and the sound of another food tray hitting the metal table, distracting me again from filling my tummy.



"What are you doing here?" Emphasis on the 'you'

"I don't know I just feel like eating with you guys." He had the audacity to smile. I guess he wasn't scared of Harry since he was (or is it is?) a bully, too.

"We're not friends." Harry told him forwardly.

"Who said I was friends with you?" Reez countered. All I wanted was for them to quiet down since their voices were getting louder and they were starting to attract attention. This was not good for me, again.

"You wanna go?" Harry stood with an unamused look and went uncomfortably close beside Reez. The other mirrored the action and now they were standing face to face with each other.

I didn't want something to do with this but they were currently in my table looking like they were about to do the greatest battle in history. When I heard Harry snarl, I had to break them off. I remember his power has something to do with super strength and I dread to see a demonstration on what he could do.

"Okay. You sit down." I commanded Harry first since I knew his wolf couldn't defy me. I saw him walking back to his spot, his sharp eyes never leaving Reez.

"And you. I've attracted too much attention more than I could stomach and part of that was because of you so please stop." I whisper-yelled at Reez and he looked dejected. If he was a wolf I would hear him let out a small whimper. "Thank you." I returned back to my seat.

The rest of lunch was pretty peaceful. It could be better if the whole time the two guys in front of me weren't scowling at each other but I was too tired for another lecture.

Speaking of which, I groaned when I remembered the upcoming tests. Yes, plural because the rest of the professors decided it was fun to have continuous tests.

I sense them both looking at me with my head on top of the table. "What's wrong?" Harry asked first.

"I think I know. Gabe, I took some notes for you." I sprung up my head quickly.

"You what?"

"I figured you couldn't take down notes. I mean, of course because you're suspended. How else would you take notes if you aren't even attending the class-"

"Reez." I interrupted his rambling. "Get to the point."

"Well, every professor is giving a preliminary test tomorrow so if you want my notes you can borrow mine. I mean, it's technically for you since I don't really write anything." He stopped himself before he continued rambling again.

"Thanks, Gabe." It was time to put down the angry act. I think he's regretful enough. "I appreciate it."

"Take that as an apology." He looked at me shyly. "So are we friends again?" Now he had this hopeful look.

"Sure." I pretended like it didn't amuse me and that it was casual.

"Yes." He whispered. I shook my head in amusement.

The rest of the day went pretty quickly and normally, as normal as my past life. Except that Harry was going wherever I was if he didn't have any class. I couldn't tell him away because then where would he go? He even waited for me outside the door of my last class which just happens to be one of my classes with Reez.

He only went to fetch me and ignored Reez all the time. I couldn't even pay attention to Reez closely even when he was offering me to stay at his house again. I denied him nicely and I felt guilty seeing his sad face but I need to go back to the pack house.

We entered the car and as expected the three other wolves were also there.

"Wait. I just remembered something." I spoke up when he started exiting the campus. "You're the alpha protector, right? You also said something about being the right hand man of the Alpha. Is that why you're always following me around?"

"Great. I'm glad you caught up." He smirked mockingly.

"Well, I'm sorry. It's not the only thing that I needed to think about." I pouted. I acted as though I can't put them into their places with just one word. I slumped back to my seat and noticed where we were going. The familiar streets. The broken lights. The row of houses.

"Woah. Why are we here?" I asked when I saw him pulling over the house that I dreaded to come back.

"Relax, we'll only get your belongings, nothing more. What are you so afraid of?" Harry asked walking to the front door casually.

He knocked. Soon I can see my Dad's face. It morphed into confusion at first, then realization. He checked behind Harry and made eye contact with me. Whatever this was, was not good.
