

" you really think you can get away with it huh" " No it's not what you think. w- what are you doing " " payback. this is what happens to people who decive me"

Nessa007 · 若者
10 Chs

Chapter 6: cold shoulder

Sorry for not updating I'm really busy as a student. Don't worry everything will be cleared in chapter 14. He talked with her for sometime and when they were done Mahira walked away but before she could take 3 steps He held her hand and Mahira face turned cold

" Mr Akshay what is the meaning of this"

" Mahira stop with the formalities are we're friends also I just wa....." 

" No, we are not friends we have a boss and subordinate relationship so let go of my hand" 

Mahira tried to free her hand but Akshay grip was strong

"' Mahira I want to tell you that I...I...I"

" Akshay, Mahira what's going on" 

"Nothing" Akshay replied coldly which was completely different from the way he talked to Mahira.

" Nothing? But as I can see you are gripping my friend's hand tightly and she's resisting isn't that harassing"

" Priyanka, i wasn't talking to you anyway and interrupting people conversation, have you not any manners"

" Akshay" Mahira cold voice sounded. " Do not talk to her like that. Ever" 

" I..." 

" Akshay let go of me " 

" I wanna...." 

" If you don't let go of me at the count of 3 I Will never speak to you again" 

Mahira I ....." 


" Mahira.....


" Fine " Akshay released her hand and with a flick of her hair she grabbed Priyanka hand and left without looking back.

Akshay went back to the helicopter and said let's go

" Boss is anything worng " 

" No just move" 

" Is it about black" 

" She doesn't want me back, she is still angry" 

" Boss as long as she is not married you still have a chance" 

" Yeah I know now let's go" 


" Mahira he made a mistake, many years has passed and I'm still rooting for him"

" Priyanka a girl like me deserve a better man like shriti Kumar she might be beautiful and smart but I'm more beautiful, Smart, good in combat in fact everything"

Priyanka shook her head at Mahira last word Mahira can be quite a narcissist 

" Yes I know you have an high IQ but low EQ." 

Priyanka mummered the last words but Mahira sharp ears heard it. 

Good bye 

Mahira said and walked away leaving Priyanka confused.


Three days passed by and Mahira is still giving Priyanka the cold shoulder.


Mahira room

" Priyanka did you say anything to her ?" 

" No I didn't I... OMG"


" I mistakenly said she has a low EQ" 

" What! Priyanka you of all people should know that... Arrgh " 

" Raj I...." 

Right now Rahveer is fuming mad and he doesn't want to say and hurtful words so he said

" Calm her down then I'll calm down"

" Raj..." Priyanka called in panic

But he walked out of the room with a bang !