

" you really think you can get away with it huh" " No it's not what you think. w- what are you doing " " payback. this is what happens to people who decive me"

Nessa007 · 若者
10 Chs

Chapter 4: Badass

" let me tell you" said Mahira.

" We run this country. We monitor who ever goes in or out, who is a danger to us or this country. We knew you monitored our family's movement and wanted to attack but you see we don't want anything to disrupt the peace in our family so we led you here; out in the open" Mahira demonstrated by twirling with her hands spread out. 

" We- we can believe that you monitored us bu- bu- but con- control the c- c-cou-country? Tha- aa- that's impossible " said the leader while stammering in fear.

Mahira just smiled while Priyanka said" lemme tell you a secret. Remember the war that was supposed to happen between India and Pakistan but the dispute was suddenly settled by a peace treaty?; Well, my good friend Mahira kidnapped the son of the country president and made him a vegetable, took him to the president's home, killed all the bodyguard and threatened the president."

The men could not believe their ears, this delicate girl really did that, it was simply unbelievable.

Priyanka' s delicate features turned cold " what, you don't believe me well then "

Then sounds of men shouting rang out - Mahira had killed 5 men.

The leader didn't know how fast Mahira was that she silently moved in their midst and even killed them.

One of them said" I surrender, please let me go"

The leader couldn't accept that two girls could kill them 50 no 45 professional trained assassins

" What, do you think we'll believe such trash? No way! You can fool them but not me. Now brothers let's take on these women together we are 45 and they are just 2 we will surely kill them now..."

"Are you done?" 

" Yes" 

Priyanka shook her head then took a step back ran forward and jumped on a tree.The men looked around and couldn't find her so they focused their gaze on Mahira who stood still and sucked her lolipop with a devil may care attitude. Then a knife came flying at her head which she turned her head sideways and caught the knife in-between her fingers and kicked the man rushing at her and stabbed him she twirled the knife and Suddenly threw it in a lesiurly manner but it killed two people. The people suddenly got angry and a man came charging at her with a butterfly dagger but Mahira kicked his legs, using that momentum she jumped and raised her knee and the dagger went flying from his hands into her's which she made use of and stabbed him in his clevic thrice.

She kicked the body aside and went towards the men. Mahira killed 10 men with the butterfly dagger remaining 33 more. As she wanted to stab the man she was man- no woman- handling a black shadow swooped down with a gun and shot 3 men. Mahira got a little distracted as she wanted to talk to Priyanka ( she felt the men weren't worthy of her time)and forgot who she was dealing with.

The man used the little time he got and pinned her to a tree and punched her tummy. Mahira scrunched her face in pain but didn't make a sound she lifted her knee and and kicked him BTW his legs. He lossened his grip on her and Mahira talckled him to the ground and gave him punches every where and trust me her punches weren't 0.01% soft but a1000% hard life like and aggressive lion, her expression was still cold while she did that. She kicked the body aside and stood up. With blood over her she looked like a tempting demomess from hell. Then more people died.



Priyanka looked down at the fight below her, surveying the ground she saw 15 men remaining.

Seeing Mahira bring out her daggers she jumped down.