
The Girl who was Cursed

After having a dark past, Maria goes to school to try and live a normal life, but not everything is as easy as it seems. After going to a school full of packs, her hatred for them increases. When she meets a girl called Riley, her perspective on everything changes. She begins to trust, but soon everything will come crashing down. Running out of time, Maria must decide whether to put everything she has worked for on the line or to fight her battle alone. As a war is getting closer, Maria must work harder to defeat the enemy she has always hated. However, after having a special connection to her enemy, will she be able to defeat them or will she crumble to the ground? Loyalties will be tested and love will be broken throughout the great war. Will they be able to defeat their enemy or will their power be too strong? A twist that no one expected changes everything.

Sophie_Betts · ファンタジー
18 Chs

Chapter 16

The sky was beginning to get brighter and a more warm colour. Everyone was still talking about Mark's reign as alpha and every great thing he did for the pack. Soon, Maria and Enzo returned back to the pack house and were stood by the fire trying to warm themselves up from the cold air that was circling around them. "Can we talk?" Freya asked as she walked closer to where Maria stood. She didn't stand too close in case she was ushered away or if she had to run away from Maria. Looking at Maria, Enzo walked away and gave Freya and reassuring squeeze on her arm. "What is it that you want, Freya?The last time we really spoke was when I killed Sara." Closing her eyes, Freya let out a long sigh before saying, "I'm sorry. I never meant to be mean or hurtful to you. I realise that what you did was only to protect everyone here and I'm sorry for not realising that sooner." Freya sat down on a nearby chair with her head in her hands. "I've been a terrible friend," she muttered. Nothing was said. No words were spoken. They both just stayed in the presence of each other in silence. Slowly, Maria sat next to Freya and looked into the burning fire. Little pieces of ash were flying into the air and floating around like a free bird. The sound of the crackling fire broke the silence and tension in the air. Turning to look at Freya, Maria stated, "I'm not angry or annoyed at you for being mad at me."

"You're not mad? Why? I would be."

"Because I understand why you acted the way you did. You were brought up in a world where people shouldn't die and that there is always another way to deal with something. I was brought up in a world where death is the only option and answer. I hope we can go back to the way we were before everything changed." Smiling, Freya nodded her head and looked back into the fire. Every worry, fear, and bad thought washed out of her mind and she finally felt peace. As Maria was walking away, something seemed off. Looking around, an ominous feeling started to sink into the bottom of Maria's stomach. She searched and searched around the pack and the area, but she couldn't find the person she was looking for. Riley. She couldn't be found! "Have you seen Riley?" asked Maria to Freya. Standing up, she walked over to Maria and responded, "She went into the forest to clear her head. She left nearly an hour ago." "And you let her go alone? We need to find her now!" "I'll help. It's been a while since we have done something together. Its like old times." Chris chirped in and walked closer to the two of them. The three of them walked closer to the woods and into the darkness. The woods were quiet and cold. The wind brushed around the ground and let the leaves dance in the air. Coldness washed over Maria like a sign that something bad happened. "What do you think happened to Riley?" asked Chris.Quickly, Freya said, "Nothing good but hopefully I'm wrong and she's just sat by a lake or tree or something." "I hope so. If Riley gets taken then this will ruin the Red Moon pack. But why would Salice want Riley?" asked Chris with wonder and confusion in his voice. Maria wouldn't say anything. Instead, she kept looking around for Riley without breaking focus. "To send a message. That's why because if we know she took Riley then it shows just how she is able to get and take anyone she wants." As Freya said this, she looked over at Maria and for the first time, she could see the vulnerability on her face. She was scared but angry. Not at anyone else. At herself. Freya knew why and so did Chris. Not being able to protect the people she loved, was one of Maria's worst nightmares. In her mind, Maria wasn't there for Riley and if she was taken then she would think this was her fault. After a while of searching, Maria stopped and closed her eyes. She smelt the air and tried to find Riley's scent, but nothing. She was long gone by then. Clenching her fists in anger, Maria's hand started to bleed and then Freya shouted, "Over here. I found something." Rushing over, Maria could see Freya holding something in her hand. It was the jacket Riley was wearing. Her blue denim jacket was covered in mud and was cold.Riley's warmth was no longer coated in but disappeared like she was never there. Picking it up, Maria held it close and smelt the jacket for any sort of idea as to what had happened. Then she said, "Salice. This was Salice. I can still smell the powder she used to knock Riley out." Without looking at the others, Maria walked away and towards the pack house. As they were walking back, Freya said to Chris, "I'm sorry and I'm going to be there for Maria. For you." She smiled weakly at him as if she was afraid he wouldn't return the smile, but he did. He smiled back and grabbed her hand as they walked back. When they arrived back at the pack house, Maria walked away from the gathering and straight into the house without speaking to anyone with Freya and Chris quickly behind her. Quickly realising something was wrong, Enzo finished his conversation and followed after Maria. "What's wrong?" he asked. Exchanging glances, Maria threw the jacket at Enzo and said, "Salice." Anger burned in his eyes and fury filled his heart. He promised nothing would happen to his sister and he broke that promise. He couldn't contain his anger anymore. Punching a wall, Freya and Chris left the room, but Maria didn't. She watched as he broke vases and threw decorations across the room, shattering everything in his way. A familiar feeling washed over Maria as she remembered this was her. When her parents died and when she had to kill Luke she was doing exactly this. Eventually, he stopped. He had no more fight left in him. Leaning against a wall, he slid down and onto the floor with his head in his hands. Slowly walking over, Maria crouched down beside him. "I promised I wouldn't let anything happen to her. I promised and I broke it. This is my fault. My sister is god knows where because I couldn't protect her. I should have been there to support her." He looked up with tears welling up in his eyes. "We are gonna get her back. This isn't your fault."

"How are you so sure?" "Because I believe in you Enzo." They sat next to each other in silence, wondering where Riley was and what was happening to her.

It was early in the morning when some of the pack members were sent out to see if there were any signs of where Riley could have gone. When the pack found out most were angry. Some blamed the vampires and said it was there fault as this happened when they came. Others were sad and were wondering when the pain and loss of pack members would end.The air was warmer and the wind was calm and cool. Enzo was sat in his father's office for the first time since he died. Everything was the same and nothing was moved. He worked and worked on a plan to try and find Riley, but soon he was losing all hope. Yasmin was sat in her room, locked away from everyone else. She wouldn't eat or drink anything and just cried in pain and heartbreak for losing everyone she cared about. Eleanor and Freya were trying to use and locator spell to track where Riley was, but nothing. It was like she just...disappeared. While Chris was asking the vampires if they saw anything out of the ordinary, but every answer was the same and they were no closer to finding where Riley was. Soon, Maria went into the office to find Enzo and to see if they were any closer to finding Riley.When she entered the office, she found Enzo sat in the chair that was in front of the desk full of screwed up paper and a glass full of alcohol. His head was in his hands as he let out a sigh. Quickly, he hit a glass bottle of the desk and watched it hit the floor and break. The liquid was covering the floor and glass was everywhere. As Maria looked at Enzo, he could see the dark bags under his eyes showing he had no sleep or rest and the messy hair. Looking up, he saw Maria and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here for you. By the looks of the things around her, it looks like you need someone here." Crouching down, Maria started to pick up the glass shards off of the floor and gently placing them in her palm, making sure she didn't cut herself. "I don't need anyone. What I need to do is focus and find Riley, which I can't do if you're here so leave me. Please." he pleaded. Standing up, Maria threw the glass in a bin and grabbed a cloth to start wiping up the liquid off the floor. No words were spoken, but Maria knew she couldn't just leave Enzo in this state of sadness. She wouldn't. Just as Maria was about to leave, she turned around to look at the desperate Enzo. "Riley Wouldn't want you to be doing this to yourself. Drowning yourself in alcohol and pity. It's sad really. This isn't what an alpha does."

"Be very careful about what you say next." Anger boiled up inside of him and he slowly walked towards Maria. "Why should I? What I'm saying is true." Soon there faces were inches apart and everything that came out of her mouth just made Enzo even angrier. "Shut up. You don't understand what is happening. You don't know what it's like. This is my fault."

"You want to take a punch, huh?" Maria started to push Enzo and provoke him. His eyes began to change to a deep green colour. "You want to blame someone then blame Salice. You want to punch someone then here I am."As she continued to push him, eventually he had enough and punched her in the face. Instantly regretting his choices, he stepped back and looked at the floor. Wiping the blood away from her mouth, she said, "Good. You have at least got a bit of the anger out of your system. Now, meet me outside at 12:00 and please brush your teeth.Your breath stinks." She walked out without looking back. Quickly, Enzo realised she was trying to provoke him on purpose to get him out of the self-pity and blaming stage. His mind was much clearer and he knew that he needed to focus so he could get Riley back. Outside, Freya was stood outside thinking about where Riley was. She wondered if this was her fault, if she should have gone with Riley or if she should have kept an eye on her. Every thought she could possibly think of was going through his mind at 100mph. Suddenly, she could sense a familiar presence next to her. She didn't even have to look next to her to know it was Chris. "I know what you're thinking and it's not your fault."

"I should have kept an eye on her, Chris. I should have gone with, but I didn't. Maybe if I went with her she would be here with us and she wouldn't maybe be..." Chris turned around and grabbed her hands and pulled her into a warm hug.Instantly, she felt better. She always felt better in his arms and this time she felt like there was hope in finding Riley. "You can't think like that. Riley is a strong girl and she will get through this. We will find her," whispered Chris. They stayed in each other's arms for a while until they were interrupted by a cough from behind them. It was Arthur. Turning around, Chris said, "Oh Freya this is my dad. Dad this is Freya, my girlfriend." A smile quickly spread on her face as he said those words. Arthur quickly moved closer to Freya and studied her. The way she stood, looked and talked and Arthur wasn't angry or disappointed, but happier. "It seems as though you have picked a gooden, hey son." he laughed and went to shake Riley's hand. "So you're the witch?" Nodding, Freya said,"Yes but I don't hate you, vampires. I'm not like the others."

"I can tell. It takes a lot of courage to go against what you were brought up to know, so tell me. Why did you go against everything you have ever known for my son?" Looking into Chris's eyes, she said, "Because he showed me that I was wrong and that not all vampires are bad. Believe me, when I first met him, I hated him.In fact, I despised him."

"Thanks for that Freya. Nice to know."Chris exclaimed. Chuckling, Freya said, "But he then showed me a kinder side and one that not many people have. When I saw how he took care of Maria and how he protected her, he changed how I looked at everything. I realised that vampires are not all bad. They may have their flaws, but don't we all. None of us are perfect."

"Well then, I am happy to welcome you into the family, Freya. You are one of us now." Arthur said while smiling. Wrapping his arm around Freya, Chris and her looked out in the distance with his father at his side. For the first time, he finally thought that things were starting to look up. A few hours later, everyone was talking and gathered outside of the pack house. People were stood at either side with a gap in the middle for people to walk down. Enzo and Yasmin were stood at the front of the house while Chris, Freya, and Brian were stood at the side. In the shadows (away from everyone else)Maria was stood waiting and watching. Suddenly, everyone began to go quiet as the Emerald coven walked up and through the gap. Edward was leading them and when he reached Enzo, he shook his hand and bowed down to each other in a sign of respect. "It's good to see you again. My coven will set up out here and I will wait for you inside."Nodding, Enzo began to wait for the rest to come. Soon, the Warriors followed behind and this time people weren't quiet but were whispering and chattering about them. Good and bad things were said, but everyone was afraid of them as they all knew the power they could wield. David looked at Enzo and nodded his head without saying a word. "My men will show you where to set up your camp. Brian can you show them the way. Showing the rest of the Warriors where to go, David looked around and quickly spotted Maria lurking in the shadows.Nodding his head, she nodded hers back and watched as the Silver Moon pack followed after. Smiles were passed across and to the pack from the other pack members, but some of the witches, vampires, and warriors still didn't trust each other. As James walked up and towards Enzo, anger, rage, and fury boiled inside of Maria and soon she couldn't watch any longer without exploding. "I'm sorry for your loss, Enzo. Your father was a good man."

"Thank you and I'm happy you came. My mother will show you pack where they will be staying while me, you and the others discuss a plan."Nodding their heads, they both walked inside and let the others get to know each other and settle in. Glances and stares were passed between each of the supernatural species and the hatred between them was still there and soon people would start to provoke one another until one of them snapped and pounced.

Everyone was sat in silence. No one spoke a word. Everyone was there apart from Maria, but soon enough she entered the room after calming down.She didn't look at James and sat straight down at the other end of the table facing Enzo across from her. "Now that we are all here, we can discuss a plan. A plan to defeat Salice." Glances were exchanged across the table as Enzo spoke. "Each one of us has something to offer. Something that can help each other. We need to prepare for this war before we start fighting with guns blazing." "I agree," Edward said before explaining, "I few go onto that battlefield then we will all perish. My coven can supply healing equipment and can teach some wolves and vampires howto use them if you want. We will try and help in any way." "Why should me and my pack trust any of you? For all, I know the vampires are only here to get our blood and kill us and the witches are just here to have the most power again. The Warriors, well, I have no idea why your here. Tell me, why are you here?"Last time I heard Salice was coming to try and recruit you into her army. How do I know your not a spy?" James accused. Anger flared in each leader's eyes and soon voices began to raise. While they were all arguing, Maria was sat drinking her tea until Enzo looked at her across the room. He wanted her to do something. She wouldn't. Shaking her head, Enzo had to step up and split it up before things got out of hand. "ENOUGH!" shouted Enzo. Everyone fell silent and looked straight at him. "Don't you see? This is what Salice wants. She wants us bickering like little children while she plots to kill my sister. MY SISTER! Its time to put your differences aside and join together so the innocent can have a peaceful life without war."Letting Enzo know he did a good job, Maria nodded her head and looked at David to say something. Sighing, he suggested, "Me and the warriors can teach people how to fight. After all, we are the most experienced and if we are going to battle then we need to know how to defend ourselves selves and if I've heard correctly, women aren't allowed to fight in packs. Why is that?" "That was the old ways and when my father was in charge, that was his choice."

"Then I'm sure you won't mind me teaching the women how to fight now then because believe me, women can be the best fighters, better than us sometimes." A smirk spread on Maria's face as she knew that was true. She knew that women could be more powerful and stronger than some men and that they shouldn't be underestimated. "The Warriors will be able to help us fight, giving us a better chance of survival out there so I agree with David. Me and my vampires will teach people how to move quickly and know when someone is behind them. I will also teach a few wolves, witches and Warriors how to scout the area with us without getting caught." Agreed Arthur. Everyone's stared at James to see how he would help out. "I will help by teaching the younger people and older people if necessary how to fight in wolf form and how to control their anger when fighting." declared James.Everything was coming together and soon the plan would be finished and they would be one step closer to finding Riley. "So tell me, what do we do when we get onto the battlefield? We can't just turn up and ask for Riley back as we kill her men," asked James. To be honest, Enzo hadn't thought of that. He had been so focused on finding where Riley was he hadn't thought of what he would do when he found her. Quickly, Maria caught on that he didn't know and continued, "When we get there we will be split into two teams. The first team will be both packs, the Warriors and me. The second team will be the vampires and the witches." As Maria explained what each team would do, a hint of mischievous flickered in everyone's eyes and they all seemed to agree with Maria. "By no means do you speak.When you are there, don't say a word. Don't move a muscle. Don't do anything until I give you the signal. Let me do the talking." "Answer this for me, Maria, " leaning forward, James asked, "While we all help out what will you be doing? We are all helping each other out while you do what exactly because I'm a little bit lost."

"I'll be making sure everything goes to plan and no one screws it up." "Yet the plan hasn't begun. We aren't on the battlefield yet." "Oh James, you have so much to learn. The plan began the moment you all agreed to help. You just didn't know it. Don't worry about me, I know what I'm doing." chuckled Maria. Turning around, David suggested, "Your up to something, aren't you? What is? What are you planning that you aren't telling anyone?" Taking a sip of her drink, Maria stood up and said, "I don't know what you're talking about." Then, walking out the door, everyone knew that the meeting was over and left the room while Enzo sat wondering what was going to happen. Looking at his watch, he saw that it was nearly 12:00 and time to meet Maria. Enzo walked outside, he could see Maria stood to wait for him. She was wearing her usual outfit with her hair down, moving with the wind. Turning around, she spotted him walking towards her and said, "Come on. We don't have all day." They both walked together and through the forest. After a while of walking, they reached the same bar where Enzo saw what Maria really was. "For some reason, this place seems err well familiar." chuckled Enzo. Walking in, they both sat down and ordered what to eat. The whole time they were there, they were laughing and smiling. To people nearby, the would look like normal, happy and full of life. In fact, they were all of those things, but not normal. Eventually, the laughter died down and they came back to the hard and cold reality. Looking at each other, Enzo asked, "Something has been bothering me and I need to know.What was Luke to you?" Silence. She didn't answer for a while. It was almost as she was thinking about it. "I know you already told me you loved each other, but who was he really?" The food arrived and neither of them tucked in but waited for one of them to speak.Sighing, Maria explained, "Luke was many things. Sometimes he was a trainer. Other times he would be travelling the world on missions that David set to him. He was the first person who felt like home when I joined the Warriors. He taught me, armoured me and helped me in any fights. Sometimes we would both go on missions together and eventually, I fell for him. I was a fool." Looking away, Maria closed her eyes -as if she was trying not to cry- before carrying on."After a while, Luke wanted to leave the place. He was sick of killing and fighting everything and everyone. I was going to leave with him. We had everything planned to perfection. Somehow, David found out and well one of the rules that we had to follow was that love was not allowed. He made us fight each other, but we already knew what was going to happen. We knew who was going to win."

"I'm sorry. Truly I am, but why did you still help David and why would you out of everyone still let him live." "Because Luke's dying words were to not be angry or to hate him, but to prove to him that love is real and I will do that until my dying breath. Luke was someone who followed orders but wasn't afraid to stand up for what was right. In some ways, he reminded me of you." Looking shocked, Enzo wondered what qualities he had that Luke also did. They didn't speak much for the rest of the time they were there, but soon it was time to leave. As they were walking back to the pack house, Enzo asked, "How do you plan on getting my sister back? How do we even find her?" Stopping in her tracks, Maria turned around and replied, "Time. We can't rush things, but the answer will come to us. Salice would have made sure wherever she went was hidden and untraceable. All we have to do is wait." "Wait for what?" Walking away, Maria didn't say anything. All you could hear where the leaves rustling against the ground and the wind howling between the trees, making them shake in fear. For the rest of the walk back, all you could hear where footsteps, but Enzo had more worrying things on his mind. He wondered where Riley was and what Maria was doing. He knew she was hiding something and that she knew more about this war than anyone. Far away from the pack house in a snowy and cold place filled with cold-hearted people, was... Salice! She was strolling around proudly like she had just won the lottery. Behind, were three of her men (none were Rafaello) carrying a large cage with Riley trapped inside. Her face was pale and her eyes had lost the light that she once had. Gripping the bars, she studied her surroundings. There was nothing that could help her figure out where she had been taken. The land was covered in snow and the lakes were frozen. The trees were tall and monstrous to look at. They towered over her, blocking out any light that there was. Suddenly, they came to a holt. Looking in front of her, there was a large gate with stone walls leading off into the distance. It looked like it went on for miles and miles. Shouting something, the vampires on the gates opened up and let them through.Vampires were all over the top of the walls, looking for intruders or spies. As they passed under and into the hideout, the gates slammed shut. Vampires were sat drinking blood from both animals and humans.They sat their with blood dripping off of their mouths as they licked their lips. Feeling disgusted, Riley looked away and onto the other side of the cage. She saw how they were sharpening their weapons and training against each other in little arenas. Smoke and fire exploded into the air as someone was making something which Riley couldn't see. All the walls were guarded with heavily armoured vampires.Further in, a coven of witches practised there magic and sparks flew everywhere. Whispers and laughs followed everywhere Riley went and she knew a terrible truth. She knew there was no way she was getting out. The cage moved and she hit the stone-cold bars with force. Her back hurt with immense pain. A large wooden door opened and she was carried inside. None of the guards spoke a word. They didn't even break focus on what they were doing. They were like robots programmed to feel nothing. Suddenly, the cage dropped to the floor and all the guards opened the small door and dragged Riley out.She screamed and screamed and tried to hit them, but nothing she did helped her escape. They chained her to the wall and no matter how hard she tried to break free, she had no success. The floor was covered in dirt and had blood splattered on the floor from previous people. The stone walls had no windows and if that door closed then she would be in complete darkness. All the guards left until there was just her and Salice.

Looking at each other, Riley asked, "What do you want from me? What did I ever do to you to deserve this?" An evil laugh corrupted into the air and Salice stepped closer. Crouching down near Riley, she could see what Salice looked like clearly. Her silver hair gleamed in the only light there was. Her eyes were an emerald green that didn't look menacing or cruel but more soft and innocent. However, Riley knew that those eyes were lying and she wasn't even close to being any of them. One thing caught her attention and that was a scar going across her face. It looked painful but only added to her menacing demise."You see, little Riley, I want nothing from you. In fact, you haven't done anything to me, but you and your precious little pack got mixed up in this war when you agreed to help Maria and now, well, your just ca-lateral damage. For some reason Maria cares about you so I know you being here, Maria will just have to come and she will finally die." "You're underestimating her. She's stronger than you think." "Oh, I'm not underestimating her at all. I know she is strong and brave, but just like before, her weakness is love and right now she loves too many people and that, little girl, will be what gets her killed. It's only a matter of time that she realises her mistake." "Your wrong. Love isn't a weakness. Its strength because it takes a lot to trust someone that much and that is your weakness. She is everything you aren't and that is why you despise her so much." Saying nothing, Salice stood up and walked towards the door and quickly closed it shut. Darkness. That was what surrounded Riley now. Over at the pack house, Enzo and Maria arrived back home to see the Warriors stood outside with some of the wolves, vampires, and witches. Everyone was getting taught different things and techniques. Everything was coming together. Women were getting involved and learning how to defend themselves. The different species were working together and looked happy. This was what it was meant to be like. This is what Maria wanted. She knew that things would go to plan and she knew they would defeat Salice. The only thing on her mind is if everyone would be able to live with what she was going to do.

While everyone was training, Chris and Arthur were walking around the border, checking for any spies. "I'm proud of you, son. You have grown up to be everything I hoped you would and more."

"Thank you, but I'm not worried about myself."

"You're worried about Maria and Freya. I can assure you they will be fine. From what I can see Freya is a strong and fierce girl who knows what she wants and well Maria speaks for herself. She's brave, strong and doesn't go down easily. She knows more about this war than any of us and I bet she knows how to win this war." Chris knew he was right, but it didn't stop him from worrying. He didn't want to lose them. Although he knew there was a chance he would. Then, they could hear a twig snap. Someone was lurking in the shadows! Looking at each other, they split it and followed the sound until they found someone. "Where do you think you're going?" asked Chris. It was Rafaello! As he turned around, Arthur hit his head with a large tree branch, knocking him out onto the floor. "Who knew you still had the strength in you dad." laughed Chris. They began to carry him back to the house.When Rafaello woke up, he was tied to a chair with ropes. In front, of him were a table and another chair. A double glazed window was also in front of him. Looking around, he could see blood splatters and pools of it on the floor. It was the same room Maria interrogated Sara in!In the corner, there was a dark and tall shadow. "Good your awake.Now its time for answers." Emerging, Rafaello could see it was Enzo. He sat on the other chair and looked at him with a stern and angry face. Smiling, Rafaello said, "You must be the new alpha. Enzo, is it? Your sister put up a good fight, but well she wasn't strong enough." Fists clenched, Enzo leaned forward and asked, "Tell me where my sister is or I swear not even Salice can save you from me." "You don't scare me. You've never been in a war or battle. You don't even know what is going on and you come to me for help. It just shows how weak and pathetic you are." Enzo's arm stretched out and his hands grabbed his shirt. Pulling Rafaello closer to him, he whispered in his ear, "Underestimating me was you first and maybe the last mistake. Now, tell me where my sister is or I'll have to get a friend of mine to come in and teach you a lesson.Believe me, they don't go easy on you." "You mean Maria? Where is she anyway? It would be nice to see her face before she and everyone here gets destroyed." Eyes narrowed, Enzo looked straight at him and noticed something. You wouldn't have seen it if you didn't look carefully. It was a black object that blended in with the rest of his black clothes. Reaching for it, Enzo realised it was a phone and would be the key to finding Riley. A smirk spread across his face as he saw that Rafaello saw his mistake. "You may think you can beat us, but we have something you and Salice's army will never have.A family." Walking out the room, he met up with the others and explained what happened. "OK, but what are we going to do with a phone?" asked Brain. Snatching the phone out of Enzo's hand, Maria said, "We are going to talk to Salice." She started to dial a number and press the phone to her ear. Everyone waited in anticipation and silence. As they were all standing in the quiet office, a voice on the phone broke the silence. It was Salice!"Rafaello, what have you got for me?" "Rafaello can't come to the phone right now, but I'll speak to you." "Maria.Not the voice I was expecting, but it was about time before you called. I take it you are here to ask about Riley. Well, the answer you are looking for isn't here cause I'm not telling you anything."

"Oh, you will because if you don't, then I will torture Rafaello until he gives me the answer I want. You know I will do it too and when he does I will kill him and every person in your army. Unless we compromise." Silence. No one spoke on the phone or in the room. Then, Salice said, "What is it then?"

"We meet somewhere. Halfway between the pack house and where ever your base is. Then we will trade Riley and Rafaello over. Bring your army. "I agree to your terms, but I will not leave that battlefield until the war is won and only one of us leaves that place alive. Oh, and you already know where to meet even if you didn't realise it by now. I'll see you soon, Maria." The call ended and Maria turned around to face the others. "Well, what did she say? Are we getting Riley back?" asked Brian. Nodding, Maria ordered, "Get Rafaello ready to move. Make sure he is in chains and can't escape. Tell everyone to prepare to fight. We leave early tomorrow morning. I know where we are going." Everyone left the room, apart from Enzo. He stood there looking at Maria for a while, before walking up to her.Hugging her, he whispered, "Thank you for everything. Truly, thank you." Hugging back, Maria let him know she was also thankful for what he has done for her too. As Enzo pulled away and walked out, Maria was left in her own pool of thoughts. She wondered if everything would go to plan and who would survive this war. Over with Riley, she was still chained to the wall. Her body was weak and she started to lose all hope. A tear fell from her eye and then... the door opened! Salice walked in, holding an old fashioned lamp with a blazing fire inside. It crackled and hissed as Salice placed it on a small, dusty shelf on the wall. She stood there, staring at Riley as she pleaded, "Please, please let me go. I haven't done anything to you. Please just, just let me go." Tears weld up in Riley's eyes.Walking towards her, Salice said, "Don't worry you'll be leaving soon enough. It seems as though Maria really does care about you.Never thought I would see the day she cared for a pack member like you. Never mind the alpha's daughter. You'll be returned to your brother and pack soon" Once again, Riley began to feel hope and a small part of joy, but the moment she looked back at Salice's face, she realised this wasn't over. She wasn't done with her yet!"However, you will go, but not without a little gift from me to you first." Two guards walked into the room and held Riley down so she couldn't move. No matter how hard she tried to get free from their grasps she couldn't. Nothing she did would let them get off her.Slowly, Salice walked up to her and opened her mouth with force. A small bottle with a corkscrew rested in between her fingers. It was small enough to swallow! Inside, the liquid was dark purple and had white smoke swirling around the top and bottom. Forcing it down her throat, Riley had no choice but to swallow it. Her body felt like it was on fire and her insides felt like they were burning! She screamed and screamed as Salice laughed. The guards let Riley go and she curled up in a ball on the floor, trying to cry, but the pain was too much. "I hope you liked your little gift. Now everyone you love can watch you suffer when you get back home." She laughed as the door closed behind her and Riley was once again left in the darkness and in pain. "Please come and save me, Enzo." She muttered.

Outside the pack house, Enzo and Yasmin were standing, looking out at the dark and cloudy sky. "What do you think happened to her?" asked Yasmin. Sighing, Enzo replied, "Nothing good I expect, but we will get her back. We will bring her home." "Maybe, but at what cost? What will we have to sacrifice and do to bring her home? I don't know Salice very well or at all, but I know that she won't just trade Riley and Rafaello over peacefully. She wants blood and she won't stop until the earth is no longer green, but red!"

"I know. She's planning something, but I know that whatever she throws our way we will defeat it and her. We have a plan and I'm sure that Maria has her own little plan within it." Chuckling, Yasmin said,"I bet she does. She always has something up her sleeve that no one knows about. Just like this war. She knows more about this war and her enemy than anyone. It's what makes her such a good warrior." They stood there in silence for a while and then Yasmin turned to face Enzo. Grabbing his hands, she said, "I am so proud of you and the person you have become. Your everything I thought you would be and more. Your father would be proud of you too. He always knew you were made to be alpha." Smiling, Enzo hugged his mum and wished that they would both return home with Riley by there side. He only hoped that he was right and that everyone would return home. Walking through the woods, Maria saw her old home. The wood was still burnt and the ashes were still scattered around the land. Walking closer to her home, she could remember all the happy moments she had with her family and pack. She could still see their faces and hear their voices everywhere she went. Closing her eyes, she breathed in the air and tried not to cry. No matter how much she missed them, she had to be strong. She had to be brave. She had to do this for them.Crouching down, she touched the burnt wood. She felt as though she could still feel the heat of her home and the fire that destroyed it, even after all these years. Standing up, she muttered, "Goodbye."Slowly walking away, Maria felt a pull to turn around and stay there.She wanted to be back in her warm and safe bed with her parents by her side, but she knew that wasn't real. She knew she would never get that again and that it was only a dream. Further down in the forest,Maria reached the trap door she had been looking for. Climbing down,she waved her hands and a fire was lit around the walls. Slowly walking to the centre of the room, all you could hear were the sounds of her feet clattering on the stone floor like horses running. When she reached the middle, the spear with the objects surrounding it lay peacefully and shined in the light. Picking the spear up, she began to attach all objects that she had gathered from the covens together.Then, the last one that was left was the Spirit Caller. She looked at it and wondered what would happen if she used it. Even if it was just for a short time. The urge to use it got stronger and stronger, but she knew she couldn't. She knew it had to be at full strength and she would use it soon, just not yet. Attaching it to the spear, she looked it the weapon that she had created. Everything she did was riding on this one thing. She only hoped it would work. Wrapping it up in a large bag with a shoulder strap, she placed it on her back and climbed back up the ladder. For the last time, she closed the trap door and walked away. After a while of walking, she reached her cave to find Freya and Chris sitting by the fire. Looking up, Freya said, "It's about time you came. We have been waiting for you for ages." Placing the weapon on a nearby rock, she joined them by the fire and said, "The last time we sat like this, you told me I had to go to school. You're not going to make me go again are you?" They all laughed and chuckled. The three of them sat by the fire telling stories about each other and remembering all the good times they had with each other. They laughed and laughed and laughed some more.Soon, the winds began to get cold and more fierce. "Who would have thought we would all be sat here like old times about to go into war.I can't believe we have gotten this far." Chris blurted out."Everything will be worth it. Once we defeat Salice, we will finally live in a world where there is no war or conflict, just peace." Maria declared. Looking between them both, Chris and Freya still didn't look happy or full of joy that this nightmare will be over. Sighing, Chris continued, "This nightmare will be over but another one will begin."

"I know that you don't agree with what I'm going to do or like it, but it's the only way and you know it." They both looked down at the floor in defeat. They knew she was right, but it didn't make it any easier. Sitting in silence, they enjoyed each other's company even without talking. Freya picked up her drink and said, "To us and making it this far. You are my family and always will be." They all cheered and hugged. The reality of them all going to war and fighting the enemy they all worked towards to defeat was finally setting in. When they pulled away from the hug,a hint of sadness was in each of their eyes. "You have always been by my side and for that, I am grateful to you. You are my family and always will be." Maria sniffled. "Don't get soft on us now,Maria. You'll set me off." bewailed Chris. They chuckled to themselves and left the cave and began to walk back to the pack house. When they arrived at the pack house, David was waiting outside. "Maria, can I talk to you?" Chris and Freya looked at Maria. Nodding at them, they went inside and left them alone to talk."Since we are about to go to war, I wanted to make amends," David explained. Maria folded her arms and stood waiting for him to continue what he was going to say. "What I made you do. To Luke. I was wrong." "Wrong about what? I want to hear you say the words. I want you to admit it. Not just to me, but to yourself." "I was wrong about everything!" shouted David before continuing, "I was wrong about making you kill Luke. It wasn't fair or right of me to make you do. You loved him and I made you fight each other until one of you were dead." Relaxing, Maria unfolded her arms and stood waiting for him to say something else.Waiting for him to admit something she had longed to hear. "I was wrong about love. I thought it was a weakness. Something that could ruin everything I had worked for, but you proved me wrong. You showed me that love can be the most powerful thing of all. For that, I am grateful." Walking towards him, Maria placed her arms around him and hugged him. They stayed like that for a while and when they pulled away, David's face will full of joy, relief, and happiness.They both walk back inside. As Maria walked past the library, she saw Eleanor standing in front of a book. Saying her goodbyes to David,she walked into the library and closed the door behind her. Looking up from her book, Eleanor saw that it was Maria and closed the book shut. "What do you want this time, Maria?" demanded Eleanor.Smiling, Maria walked around and replied, "I need you to do me a favour."

"I know you're helping us and everything, but I'm not your little messenger."

"It's important. Please, Eleanor."pleaded Maria. This was the first time Eleanor had heard Maria ask and plead for something before. Realising that it must be important,she questioned, "What can I do to help." "When the battle is over, I need you to give these to everyone on that list.It's important so please make sure you do it." Handing Eleanor a box, she nodded and responded, "I will, but be careful out there."Leaving the room, Maria's hands were trembling with worry. The goal she had worked forever since her pack was murdered, was about to be accomplished. Although, she was worried that when the time came to it, she wouldn't be able to do it: she didn't want to let all of this love, family, and memories go.