
The Start of an Extraordinary Life

In a small, faraway village in India, around 1961, was born a girl. She was living with her brother and parents. At the time, girls weren't educated much or at all. After marriage, they were expected to learn house chores after studying in grade five. This was bad news for girls who wanted to study and become noticed by people. On the other hand, boys were appropriately educated to have jobs in cities and breed their families.

The girl's mother was educated only till 5th grade like all other girls were. She didn't want her daughter to live an ordinary life, getting married to an average person. So what she did, indeed, shocked everyone in the village.

The girl grew up with a happy life and lived like a princess. No matter how many financial and economic problems they had, they took care of their daughter and son without letting them know anything. The girl lived a happy life and had a good education until she turned eleven. She had to stop her studies and continue learning other stuff like every girl.

Although, this mother was a unique one.

She claimed, "I want to educate my daughter like no other parent in this village was ever able to. I want her to gain knowledge about everything and become great in her life."

The family knows that the mother is knowledgeable. When she gave the idea of sending the girl to the city to continue her education, everyone agreed. However, there was a rule in that village that every girl had to follow or was recommended to follow. Every girl goes through changes, which is called maturity or becoming mature. Once you become mature, you are not allowed to leave the city. Being a female, you will get negative remarks from the village if you do. The only way to escape the village afterwards is to marry someone and move into another family. It was lucky for the girl that she didn't become mature by that time. She was supposed to be travelling to the city with two other girls, but both had changes in their bodies, so the girl went to the city alone.

She travelled to the city and settled there to continue her study. In her eleventh and twelfth grades, the class was filled with fifteen boys and one girl, the girl who left the village.

After completing her studies, she got married to a man who worked in the central government. She then moved to another town.

One fine day, she came to her village for a holiday and met her family. Outside, people from a foreign town were testing the petrol on the ground. They were asking where they could find water and food nearby. The only fault was that they were speaking in a language not unknown to the people in this village. The people in the village were confused since they didn't seem to understand their language and needs. They knew they needed to communicate somehow, so they came to the girl's house to ask for help learning she knew how to speak their language. The president of the village came along with them. The girl stepped out, agreeing to help translate the language for them. They met with the foreigners, and the rest of the village gathered around in curiosity. The foreigners explained to the girl that the villagers didn't understand the problems tied to the foreigners and that they just wanted to seek some help for their basic needs. The girl translated this to the president.

On the other hand, the mother was not interested in the foreigners. Still, she was excited and happy seeing the girl blossom so much since the day she had left the village. The villagers gathered around were also surprised to see the girl having the knowledge to understand the foreigners.

After returning to their hut, the mother claimed that she had not a daughter but a gift from god.

She was also a Yoga teacher training and motivating many to stay fit and healthy.