

Darkness may fall out in the presence of light but light will always reveal the darkest secrete of the dark. Elena was traumatized after a pathetic experience with her uncle, she became a devil in human form her mission was to kill her uncle and any guy with who she had sex. A witch cast a ring spell on her finger in which she became unconscious, aggressive, and callous. She vowed never to fall in love with any guy which she resist for many years. But the story change when she met Clark. Clark became an antidote to her spell due to the love coexistence between them. Ever since then, Elena understands the true nature of love and its power she rather chooses love to hate.

David_Godwin_5404 · ファンタジー
11 Chs


In a school where we all sat in class while the lectures were going on Clark tried distracting my attention as he sat beside me flickering his eyes from a distance.

I couldn't concentrate. I felt uncomfortable as I raised an alarm with an angry tone.

"What is wrong with you! Can't you leave me alone?".

I stood up after uttering such words Mr. Frank who we were having a class with became so upset as he called out for more explanation.

" What's the problem, Elena?". He asked.

"I don't know what is wrong with him, he is just asking me for a date".

She said while the whole class was overwhelmed as they burst into laughter.

" Indeed they will become a lovely couple if only they agreed". One of the students said.

Mr. Frank was astonished as he ended his lesson and summoned him to his office.


"So tell me what do you like about her?". He asked.

" I love everything about her".

"Do you know how dangerous she could affect your life?".

"Affect my life!!, in what way?". He asked, looking curious.

" Don't tell me you don't know what Elena is made of, I guess I will be careful here". He said.

"Even if she becomes a monster or a beast I'll still love her".

Clark said leaving his office was so annoying and embarrassing to Mr. Frank that he couldn't imagine him walking out of his sight.

But he has no choice but to beep mute.

" Life is all about choice," He said while nodding his head.

Clark presides to meet Elena after his conversation with Mr. Frank.

"While is he walking so helpless". Rose said.

" Maybe Mr.frank would have dealt with him". Caroline said while they all burst into laughter.

"I guess he is coming toward you, let's wait and listen to his explanations".

These were the words from Elena, as they waited for his return, meanwhile, he came close.

" Hello ladies!". He said.

"Hi! Daddies". They all replied in unison.

" You're funny please can you girls do me a favor?". Clark asked.

"And what is it?". They replied in unison.

" Please spare some time I need to talk to Elena in private".

The girls were shocked as they began to glimpse one another with a smile.

"Are you trying to chase us?".

" Not really but what I want to discuss with her is a personal issue is between me and her".

"Hmmmmmm!!....Mr. Personally". They all replied with a laugh.

" Ohh!! I think you girls should give it a break and let me have a few minutes with him" Elena said.

"Thank you!! Thank you!!". He said, scrambling in Joy.

He took Elena to the cafeteria for a discussion.


" Please have your seat, let me get you something to eat". He said.

He went to order some food and placed them on the table after some minutes Elena began to stare at him.

"Why are you looking at me that way?". He asked.

" If I may ask, why are you so nice to me?".

"Uhh!! Just because I feel like".

" Only just that, there must be feelings behind your reasons so tell me".

"Well, that's the reason I brought you here".

" And what is it?". She curiously asked.

"Elana!! To be sincere the first time I saw you I just loved everything about you which got me to the point of asking you to be my girlfriend".

After expressing himself Elena could no longer control her laughter as she laughed out loud.

" What's funny?". He asked.

"Nothing!! But you are stepping in a shadow that won't bring out your light".

" And what does that mean?".

"In a nutshell, it is Dangerous, very dangerous to be precise".

" Uhh!! Ahh!!, I laugh in the face of danger, no matter how dangerous it is I'm ready to lose my life for it".

"you are taking it too further".

" Yea that's to tell you how serious I'm madly in love with you can't you see it".

"When you are ready I will know".

" Elena, I'm 100% ready". He said.

"Then meet me at Mount Whitney located In Alaska. I will be expecting you this evening by 8 pm".

" No problem l will be there".

Elena left as she went back to meet her friends.


At 8p.m he was already there waiting for Elena but couldn't see her, he kept on waiting for her arrival after some few minutes great winds began to blow around him as he heard some voices from an unknown directions

"Welcome to our home!!".

He became terrified wondering who the person might be but the voice kept repeating itself with scary laughter.

"Welcome to our home".

He tried running away when he heard the voice calling out his name.

" Clark!! Clark!!! Clark!!!"

He looked around to figure out who the person was as the voice continued.

"Fear not is me, Elena".

" Ohh!! Elena is that you, please show yourself".

He tried looking in a direction as smokes began to encamp around him.

Immediately bats started flying around him above his head while the scary laughter continued.

"Elena!! Please stop!!!!". He screams holding his head

Suddenly everything gets normal then Elena walks in with applause.

" How do you feel?". She asked.

"I feel bad".

" Ohhh!!! I thought you enjoyed the weather".

"What!!! You almost killed me".

" And you should be ready to die for it".

"Die for what?". He curiously asked.

" Die for love of course". She said as she chuckled.

"If love should have been handled this way many people would have died for nothing".

" This is the way I handle love, in a nutshell, stop chasing shadows because you might die for nothing". She said as she disappeared.

"Oh! No, Elena, where are you? I don't mean what I said".

He tried looking around thinking he might see her but the more he searched, the less he found nothing.